chapter 7

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Helena's pov

The weekend was absolutely amazing, Marco really knows how to have fun without involving alcohol or drugs which I will always be grateful for, the only disadvantage is that he doesn't keep time so that's where I come in to make sure he doesn't over have fun because if it was left to him he would be coming home at 3 am but other than that he is an absolute vibe.

"Morning cuz" I say stepping into the kitchen giving him a quick kiss on both checks

"Morning Lena"

"What do you have planned for the day" I say before bitting into the waffles he made

"I don't have classes till 9pm so I plan on sleeping the whole day"

"That's what you get for staying up to late, luckily you have late classes so you can catch up on your sleep" I say chuckling a bit which earns an eye roll from him

"Will you be back by tomorrow morning though"

"Definitely, I can't miss my favorite cousins birthday" he says winking

"Thanks Marco" I smile at him widely before taking a sip from my orange juice

"Enough about me, how do you feel going into work today"

"Well my nerves are at check now, fingers crossed there won't be an issue"

"See be positive and everything will be alright" he says giving me a side hug

"I know, I promise I I really need to go thanks for breakfast I hope to catch you before you leave for school" getting up to from the bar stool to leave

"Just send me a message when you are getting back to know if I am available, have a good day cuz"

"Will do, Thanks you too..... bye cuz" I yelled before closing the door heading towards my car, seems like Marco washed it I'll have to thank him later.

All through the drive my nerves were getting the better of me, but I kept repeating Marco's words to keep them in check. Once u was packed I proceeded to my office passing by reception to greet Kim

"Morning Kim" I say smiling at the Petit lady in front of me

"Seriously Jade how many times do u have to tell you to greet me in French" she says rolling her eyes

"Bonjour Kim, ça va ? (Hello Kim, are you okay?)"

"Bonjour Jade, je vais bien et toi? (good morning Jade am doing good how about you)

"Je suis tout aussi bon merci (I'm equally good thanks)"

"See was that so hard" she says chuckling, ever since she found out I was from France she pleaded with me to speak French to her because not surprisingly she was infactuated  with the language

"No it was not.... anyway I have to run see you at lunch" I say waving at her as I stepped into the elevator

While in the elevator my phone beeps, wondering who it was I checked it only to find out it was a message from one of the twins, it was actually a video of them with my parents  they were checking up on my and wishing me an early happy birthday.

I was so engrossed I didn't realize the elevator has stopped

"I believe an elevator is used to transport you from one floor to the other, and once you have reached your destination you get off" a familiar voice said

"Morning Mr Marcon" I say completely ignoring his statement

"Morning Helena once you have settled in I expect you at my office" he says walking I to the elevator I just exited I turn catching his eye before the does shut, releasing a sigh I walk to my office placing my bag on the table and slumping on my chair

"Hard morning" Susie says sticking her head into my office

"Hmmmm something like that" I say smiling at her

"Well dear better turn it around it's only Monday"

"Don't remind me Susie" I say groaning which earns a chuckle form her before leaving

Jéan's pov

"Come in"

"You wanted to see me" she says stepping into my office

"Yes Helena, take a seat" I say pointing at one of the chairs in front of me, one would think I was not looking at her because I was facing my laptop that was actually incorrect, I could see ever move she made including how she sat to ensure her skirt did rest the wrong way.

"To ease your mind I have gotten no complains from Susie as a matter of fact she had only good things to say about you, so to my reason for asking you to see me is to Know how everything was going, do you have any complains or concerns" as I spoke I could see how the tension in her sipped out of her

"Ohh sir I have nothing to complain about I am actually enjoying my work,  at times it can be overwhelming but there is nothing wrong in that" she says with a small smile

"Are you absolutely sure about that" I ask again

" Yes I am, .... except if there is something I have no knowledge about" she says lifting her left eyebrow

" Of course not, it is my job to ensure the comfortability of all my employees"

"Of all or just me" she says under her breath

"I beg your pardon"

"Nothing sir thanks for your concern I'm doing alright" she quickly replies

"It has come to my knowledge that tomorrow is your birthday, you have a choice to either come in or have a day off"

"Really?" She asks shocked

"Yes really, whatever your decision maybe before you leave inform Susie"

"Not a problem sir thanks"

"It's a pleasure,now you can head back to work" nodding she stands up from the chair exiting my office without a last look or smile before closing the door, to say I was not disappointed would be a lie but I quickly brushed the feeling away putting all my concentration on the work in front of me.

Well at least Jéan is starting to feels things😜😉 and I'm glad Lena has made a friend 😅
Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗. Plz don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏 stay safe y'all 🌹♥️.

My Freedom My DesireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora