Chaoter 15 - Death

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Just as I was approaching the buildings of the town a couple of zombies spotted me. They then charged straight for me at the running speed of fairly standard humans. They were of the fast kind. Not the slow grumbling zombies as sometimes could be seen in the media. These zombies were just as fast as they were in life. Perhaps it was only a matter of time before they developed rigor mortis and stiffened up to slow down, but at that point in time they were fast. 

The 2 zombies both adults a man and a woman charged towards me. I began to run away but wasn't quite as fast as them, after all they were travelling at their top speed. Rushing towards e Asif their olives depended on it. Not that they were actually alive but the point has been proved. I tried to swerve out of the way and faired and the man grabbed hold of my arm. But i quickly Send a burst of regular flam out of my hand and burnt the arm he was holding mw with clean off. He didn't seem to even notice that his arm had been burned off as he continued chasing me just the same, without even flinching or making any noise to symbolise that he had experience any kind of pain or even discomfort.

Then he grabbed my other arm clearly not learning from last time. Only this time instead of burning it off I tore it off not wanting to waste my mana as after all there were so many of them. With my relatively decent strength stat i managed to dislocate it but not fully break it off, So I kicks his shoulder with full force to fully knock to bone out of the socket , it worked and he didn't have any functional arms left. At that point me jumped at me with an open mouth, and I kicked him square in the jaw. I heard a crunch and some teeth fell out but he didn't care at all.

By that point the woman had caught up and with her fully functional arms she pulled my leg causing me to topple over. I crashed down on the dry grass covered ground with a clunk of my human form's bones crashing against the ground. Why was it so hard to defeat such low level enemies? Was I seriously that one sided with stats. After all basically all of my stat points had been invested in my magical power. Relatively speaking I was still slow and couldn't withstand a particularly hard hit, even though with a single spell I could probably destroy an entire village. So I decided I had to use magic.

"Fire nova!" I called twice stringing them both up and burning them in what hardly even felt like 2 seconds. They were completely burnt to just bones, in virtually no time at all. I needed some slight stat balancing. So once again, I approached the village this time fully prepared to use my magic. I strung up zombies 10 at a time and dropped them basically straight after with only about 2 seconds delay in order to not waste mana. I killed a good hundred zombies this way, but they just kept on coming it was like an entire town of zombies all turning their eyes on me and coming at me. The swarm was enormous, more and more and more would flood in like an ocean of zombies.

I killed them over and over an over until I ran out of mana after destroying a good 200 zombies. I was exhausted, the sheer quantities of zombies were absurd. The only reason I hadn't been overwhelmed was because they had originally been scattered through the entire town but now the leftover zombies were all in one place having probably all noticed me by that point. And at that point I was forced into physical combat. I kicked and pulled on the limbs of the zombies, children adults, wealthily dressed and poorly dressed. Hundreds of people had died and been converted into zombies and I was destroying them for good, it was hard to tell if what I was doing was a good thing or not. They weren't intelligent but at least they were sort of alive, well moving and experiencing anyway.

But I pulled off limbs and all sorts and then it happened I was bitten.


"what does that mean?"


"how do I fight it!"


"no... Fuck!"


The guide was corrupting itself, and there seemed to be nothing I could do, but it wasn't just the guide that was corrupting, I was already starting to feel unwell.

"What do I do!!??"


"what does that even mean!?"


"no what? what's going on? FUCK!"

The guide appeared to have shut down completely it wouldn't respond to my questions anymore, which didn't really surprise me, as after all I too felt as if I was being corrupted, my human form was dying, my heart was slowing and I felt extremely sickly.

Just as I felt like I was going to lose consciousness I shouted out loud.

"Learn to resist the Necro Virus! Please!"

Then I collapsed

It was much like when I had died. I didn't feel anything, I wasn't thinking or anything. It was just nothingness. A very strange feeling.

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