Chapter 13 - Broken

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(Ok this universe is a bit fucked up so be warned it gets weird)

Bucky kicked you again as you fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

"P-Please, stop." You sobbed out as you tried to stand. He was about to kick you again before you held up your hand, it started glowing as Bucky seemed to be stuck trying to escape.

"I said stop." You growled as your eyes began to glow.

"Now, didn't I tell you she had some fight in her. You can hurt him all you want darling but don't kill my new toy." Tony said as you turned to him.

"Burn in hell." You growled as you knocked Bucky out and threw yourself against the barrier trying to break it.

"I'm not a fucking monster like you I won't hurt him." You growled as Tony chuckled.

"Vision, be a dear and teach her a lesson." Tony said looking straight into your eyes.

"V-Vision?" You muttered as you looked behind you to see vision morphing through the barrier. But it was as if all his colour had been drawn from him, and his eyes were dead and pale. You backed up against the barrier as Tony laughed.

"G-Get away from me!" You screamed as he wrapped his hand around your neck.

"Don't kill her Vision, we still need her. Do rough her up a bit though." Tony instructed as Vision threw you to the ground. You summoned the power you felt within yourself and threw Vision off you before collapsing to the ground. You crawled over to Bucky and woke him up.

"H-Help me." You whispered weakly as he looked into your eyes. Vision was about to grab you before Bucky put up his metal arm stopping him.

"What's this? The pets protecting each other. Vision take them both out, Soldier protect Y/N. Folks, now we have a true show." Tony said as everyone gathered around, Bucky stood up in front of Vision and kept you behind him. You were so weak, you couldn't even bring the strength to stand up.

Vision and Bucky began fighting brutally as you crawled away to the corner, Vision suddenly teleported to you and burnt your stomach with his hand as you screamed in pain.

"No!" You heard Bucky shout as he grabbed him and began beating him. Bucky was about to shatter Visions head before Tony interrupted.

"Enough! I think we can all agree that the Soldier won that one. I'm sure you can finish off Y/N, she's pathetic and weak. Make her bleed." Tony growled as Bucky dropped Vision and looked at you. You couldn't help the tears stream down your face from all the pain. Bucky knelt beside you and ran his hand over your cheek as you looked up at him helplessly.

"I won't." He growled looking up at Tony.

"And that's what this is for." Tony said as he held up a small device and pressed a button. Suddenly Bucky screamed in pain as he fell to the ground convulsing.

"No!" You screamed as you quickly grabbed onto his hand letting half of the electrical surge into your body as you screamed and both passed out.

"Would you look at that. So sweet, the two pets want to help each other."

You felt so cold and sore, yet you could feel the warmth of something against your body. You felt a hand go through your hair as you groaned and slowly opened your eyes.

"It's ok, you're safe." A voice whispered as you shot up from your laying position and instantly regretted it. You whined in pain and held your head. You opened your eyes fully and saw Bucky in front of you.

"B-Bucky?" You whispered as he looked at you in confusion.

"I-I feel like I've heard that name before. W-Who is Bucky?" He asked as tears welled in your eyes.

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