My Story!

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Good afternoon loves, I just wanted to share a little story about me and I just feel the need to share this maybe it'll help you. But sharing this is helping me.

So I've been in my walk with God for a few years now I got saved back when I was younger like 11 or 12 or even younger I can't remember.

But once I got to the age where I was old enough to do more on my own ima say around 18 I started shifting away from God, which it does happen to everyone or a lot of people but I was boy crazy going for guys who were doing me wrong just wanting one thing from me and I was young and naive.

But I was raised in church and in my mind I always had that conscious mind set like what I'm doing isn't right and to this day I still have that in the back of my mind when I do something I know it's wrong.

And now I still sin I'm not perfect no one is but I would condemn myself for my actions and what I did. I still have some things that I need to work on within myself ... but I serve a God who is merciful! A God who is loving, forgiving he knows all!

Even when I do wrong he still loves me and I'm not going to lie lately I've been Luke warm I was in the world and in Gods presence and you can't be in the middle like the Bible  says your either in and out (I'm summarizing in my words) you can't serve two masters you can't be with God and drinking smoking clubbing and only on sundays be holy like that doesn't cut it with God.

So as of today I'm going to change my life for the better and fully commit myself to God I don't care if I'm called lame to a lot of people my salvation is more precious than anything of this world and my relationship with God.

Now I don't usually put my business out like this but I know I am not the only one going through these things and I want to help someone so if this helps I'm glad if you all judge me for what I've been dealing with  hey it is what it is🤷🏽‍♀️

But my biggest  issues are music I love love love music it doesn't matter I love R& B, some hip hop and others but I know it's isn't of God. So I'm gonna start listening to gospel more I do listen to it but not as much as I should.

And also I've been attached to pornography and y'all! That is hard to leave but I've been trying it! The devil honestly knows it's my weakness cuz it's like things will pop up all around me when I try to get and stay away from it. It's a fight but I know I can will I just have to stay strong.

And depression been a battle for me but with God I know I can conquer all of these things.

I'm done being Luke warm I am ready to be on Fire for God!

But anyway I hope this all helped it's helped me and I feel good for sharing with you all.

If you have anything you would like to share please! Comment and share it with us you never know who you may help.

Also I've been thinking about doing a zoom meet up to speak and meet my followers we can talk about any and everything if your interested in that please let me know a good time and day for you!

Thank you and may God continue to bless you!

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