Im ready for More!

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Sunday October 24,2021

Hey my family in Christ! How have you all been? I hope all is well with you all.💜 please comment and let me know how you're doing I really do care.

So I'm sitting here reading my Bible and I was like I haven't updated in here in a little while so it's time.

So as of lately I've been feeling like I want to do more I'm ready to mature in God if that makes sense. I want God to use me for his kingdom.

I'm ready to see miracles performed by our father I want to see people get healed, delivered  and set free. I know I need it I've been dealing with stomach issues for the past ehh 6 or 7 years now and other health issues.

At first I was just dealing with it but as I've grown and still am going in my word and getting to know God I'm like "No! I don't have to deal with these issues." I have to speak against it when it tries to control me.

Sickness and disease does not come from the Lord!

And we often have to speak to things that try to block us from God!

Depression, suicidal thoughts, attacks with family and friends anything bad it doesn't come from God and we have to take a stand like. "No devil get thee behind me! The word says RESIST the devil and he will FLEE!!" Put the word on the devil we gotta do that or he'll never leave us alone.

A little testimony...

I use to deal with depression. And thank God I haven't really dealt with it like I use to. But the other day either Wednesday or Thursday I just woke up sad just so sad I literally felt as if I had a cloud hanging over myself and I had to speak to my situation like NO! Devil you will not try to bring me back to where I came from im not gonna allow you to keep pulling me back to where I came from. And with that I knew that I am maturing In God because before I would deal with it just allow depression to keep me sad keep me feeling down but I'm like no.


He tries to kill steal and destroy but that's only if you let him.

So moral of this... don't allow the enemy to attack you, you have the right the authority to tell him NO you have the right to speak life over your situations. Don't give him the time of your day to do anything in your life. I know it's easier said than done but I can happen.

I'm so ready to be healed from the things I need healing in! I'm ready to help my family and  friends get to know Jesus I am ready for everything God has for me.

Are you ready??

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