Power of God

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Hey everybody I know it's late and I'm sorry (11:48pm) it's almost midnight but anywho I just had to tell you all.

So I was feeling down, sad depression tried to come into my spirit I could feel it. I use to just allow depression to come in and just take over but as I've gotten closer to God I can tell my faith is strengthening. Like when I felt it I instantly began to pray.

I got on my floor and sat there and prayed as if he were right next to me I prayed for everything friends family. Life situations everything and I literally cried to God I cried and I needed to let that out all that I was holding inside.

So right after I prayed about five maybe ten minutes later my friend texted me telling me she's hurt and sad and everything and I'm like see this is God! All day she could have texted me but she didn't until AFTER my prayer.

So I encouraged her to do the same read the Bible and just pray cry out to God and talk to him like the Bible says give your cares to him for he cares for you.

And he does care!

So anyone whose going through please don't continue to hold the pain inside. Read your bible speak to God as if he were your best friend and vent to him cry out if you have too.

You will feel soooo much better

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