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i woke up the next day to my phone blowing up. my manager and producers were calling and texting and everyone on social media was tagging me or mentioning me.

i call back my manager kelli first

"what's going on?" i ask

"have you been on instagram lately" she asks

"no i literally just woke up kel" i respond

"adelaide theres pictures all over the internet now of you and jacob cozying up at newport lastnight" kelli says and my heart stops

i immediately hop on instagram. all of my tags are pictures of me and jacob hugging at the beach and him walking me to my car

"fuck" i mumble

"yeah so what is that all about" kelli asks

" i went to the beach with some friends he was just walking me back to my car" i tell her

" what's with the long hug though ada" she responds

"kelli i don't know were friends, friends hug each other when they're sad" i say getting more bothered

"okay look... I'm not mad at you. like at all.  but everyone has seen these photos and so you're going to have to say something about it one way or another" kelli says

"i know i know i agree" i say

"okay call john back he needs to talk with you" kelli says and i do as she says

"hey john" i say

" ada what happened with you and jacob" john asks

" look i know how they look but i was just telling him about something going on in my life and i started crying so he just did what a friend would do and comforted me" i say

" i believe you ada, we all believe you and if anything was going on it's not our business. the problem is you both have partners and this doesn't make you guys look good" john says

"grayson and i broke up but yeah i agree. it's not gonna happen again i swear" i say

"okay, jacobs fans don't seem to be the problem here it's your 13 million followers that are the loudest right now. so my advice is to just go on twitter and say like you went to the beach with a bunch of friends yesterday. jacob and i are just friends and throw in something about you respecting his girlfriend alright? john says

"okay bye" i say

i go on twitter immediately and begin to type out the tweet

not that its anyone's business but jacob and i are just close friends, I'm close with everyone on set. theres been pictures of tanner and i or xolo and i hugging and everyone always says they love our friendships so i don't know why theres a different reaction now.

that's all i tweeted. i didn't feel like i had to mention serena considering no one even knows who she is and that I've never even met her. if she wants reassurance she needs to get it from her boyfriend and if she can't trust him theres bigger problems going on

i continue going through my instagram tags and they were still all of jacob. i found one that was when we begin to pull away from the hug and he's looking down at me and I'm looking up at him. it honestly does look like we were a couple. i wish i said i hated it but honestly being around jacob more and knowing I'm single makes these feelings grow.


i get a call from xolo and before i even answered i knew what he was gonna talk about

"hey" is all i say

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