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        I watch as his eyes roll back and he falls to the floor. I'm yanked downward with him as he hits the ground and all of us gasp and stare at Liam. My right hand involuntarily reaches up to rub my throat and Simon rushes over to Harry.

        "Liam! What did you do?!" Simon shouts, checking Harry for a pulse and sighing in relief when he finds one. "You could have broken his neck!"

        "Simon, I just knocked him out. I promise. He'll be fine in an hour." Liam shrugs. I stare at him with surprise and suspicion at how smug he is with this situation. In fact, all of the guys seem smug. Even Paul. Marty looks surprised, but satisfied because of his anger toward Harry. The look on his face claims that he thought Harry deserved it.

        "Something isn't right, here." I mumble, rubbing my throat and my jaw. It feels off. Maybe Harry squeezed so hard that he moved something. I just know there's a bump that wasn't there before. The loss of oxygen he caused is making me light headed and dizzy. "Something's not right." I mumble again. The boys look down at me with confusion written all over their faces.

        "Vanity?" Niall kneels down next to me and pulls my hand away from my neck, examining it. "Oh my . . . Vanity? Are you okay?" He gently places his fingers under my chin and pulls upward, forcing me to look at him. I look back and forth from one gorgeous blue eye to the other.

        "I'm dizzy." I whimper. Niall nods and waves someone over. I didn't even notice that Louis had left until he hands Niall an ice pack.

        "You're alright. Harry just left some bruises." Niall pulls me into a hug. I just sit there until I realize he's not letting go, so I finally hug him back. As soon as I do, he pulls me onto his lap and begins rubbing small circles onto my back. I don't even realize that I'm falling asleep.


        ". . . I don't know. Harry, you hurt her pretty badly." I hear muffled whispers as I wake up from whatever dream I had.

        "I don't know what I was doing, mate. She just makes me so angry sometimes, and I can't control myself! I'm surprised I haven't . . . She's awake." I feel someone move their fingers through my hair, and I push my head toward their hand, but their touch ceases. I keep my eyes closed hoping they'll do it again, but it doesn't happen. I let my eyes drowsily open, letting sunlight fall into them. I look toward Harry who is sitting on the floor next to me, but I notice that I have a pillow and a blanket and he doesn't.

        "How-how long did I sleep?" I whisper.

        "About three hours." Zayn says, sitting down next to us on the floor. My eyes widen and I sit up.

        "I have to get home." I stand up.

        "We've still gotta go on our date!" Harry reminds me. I groan and stand, Harry following suit.

        "Shoot . . ." I whisper.

        "What's wrong?" Harry asks. Why is he so caring all of a sudden?

        "I um . . . I really have to pee." I feel my cheeks turn red as I stare at the floor.

        "Okay. Let's go." Harry says, pulling me to the restroom. The men's restroom.

        "Um . . . Harry, we're at the wrong one." I remind him. He groans and walks with me to the women's bathroom. I open the door and groan as I realize it's the kind with stalls, meaning Harry has to come in. "Come on." I drag him in and stop at the first stall, closing the door on the chain of the cuffs. But there's more problems. It's probably the most complicated thing I have ever done. I have to get my sweats down and hold my left arm in the air the entire time. It's also probably the most awkward thing I've ever done. I've never been so embarrased to go to the bathroom in my life. When I finally finish, I step out and wash my hands really well and walk toward the door, but Harry stops me.

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