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        "You're not seriously making me go to a pub with him, are you?" Marty groans on the car for about the millionth time.

        "Yes, Marty. And you're going to enjoy it." Paul replies flatly. I sit up on the couch, where I was layn, and groan.

        "Marty, would you please just shut up? I don't like it either, but we don't even have a chance, here." I sigh. My voice sounds odd, and I'm guessing it's because I'm still partially numb. My legs wobble as I stand so that I can walk toward the kitchen of Harry's house. Believe me when I say that I am not thrilled to be here.

        "Whoah, Vanity." Zayn grabs my arm to help me walk, and I quietly thank him. He nods and pulls me toward the counter, pulling a stool up beside me. "What do you need? Water?" I nod. He fills up a glass and hands it to me. "Sorry." He whispers.

        "What? Why?" I look up at him.

        "Because you're being forced to do all of this. You shouldn't have to deal with this." Zayn sighs.

        "You really do wear your heart on your sleeve." I smile at him, and he returns it. "But... I want to go home."

        "Nope." Harry says, walking into the room.

        "Oh, you just always have to walk in and ruin everything, don't you?" I stand, holding onto the counter for support.

        "Sure does seem like it, huh?" He smirks.

        "You're such a jerk!" I throw my hands in the air. "And to think that I used to have a crush on you! Ugh! Shows how stupid I am!" I walk out of the kitchen and toward the front doors, but he is faster and grabs my wrist. "Let go of me, now." I growl.

        "Where are you going to go? Huh?" He asks, his usually light green orbs now darker than emeralds.

        "Home. I'll grab a taxi, or walk." I yank my wrist away and step out, slamming the door.

        I don't get home until around eleven, but when I do, I throw myself onto my bed and scream as loud as I can for as long as I can. "I hate you! I hate all of you!" I storm down the stairs and reach into the cabinet for a glass plate, and throw it onto the floor. "I hate my stupid life!" I throw another. "I hate myself!" Another. "I hate being alone..." I fall to the floor and cry myself to sleep.


        My eyes twitch behind my eyelids as I hear someone open the front door. "Vanity?" They call out. I ignore them, not wanting to be bothered. "Oh my... Vanity! Get up!" Marty shakes my shoulder. I groggily open my eyes to see his worried ones.   "What?" I groan.

        "Are you insane?" He asks, lifting me up and checking my side to see if I have any glass cuts. "What happened?" He asks.

        "I um..." I look around, not remembering why I'm here, or why there is shattered glass all around me. "I- Uh... I don't remember..."

        "You don't remember?" He asks with disbelief clear in his tone. "Get up." He orders, pulling me up by my arm. "Go to the living room while I clean this up." I nod and sleepily trudge to the living room, but freeze as I see Harry standing by the door.

        "What are you doing here?" I growl.

        "I was dropping Marty off. He's actually nicer than he puts off." Harry smirks.

        I scoff. "I'm going to bed." I stomp up the stairs and into my room, locking the door and going to bed. At 3:47 in the morning.


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