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Vanity POV:

I don't remember falling asleep, but when I open my eyes, I'm sprawled over Harry's bare chest. I look down to see that my cheek is rested on one of his sparrows and my right hand is laying on his butterfly. My left hand is being held in his right, laying on his pillow, and his left arm is draped over my back. I think I could get used to this. I know he's asleep because his soft breaths evenly fall onto my neck, giving me chills.

I'm just about to wake him up when someone knocks on the door. I suddenly close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. All I try to think of is what I was dreaming of earlier, just in case they're reading my mind.

"Who is it?" Harry says, his morning voice low, and husky. His chest vibrates under my cheek when he speaks.

"It's me. You guys still sleeping?" Calum asks.

"Not any more." I mumble, keeping my eyes closed. Harry chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Not any more apparently." He is still laughing a bit. "Give us ten minutes. What do you need?"

"We have breakfast downstairs and Simon called. Said something about talking to you two. Alone."

"Alright. We'll be out in a few." I look up at Harry and softly smile. He returns it. "Did you sleep well?" He asks. I nod, closing my eyes tiredly. He laughs at my tired state and pats my shoulder. "Come on. We don't want Uncle Simon to rip our heads off." He sits up but I stay put, still leaning on his chest.

"No." I whine.

"Yes. Come on, Vanity." He pulls me to my feet and over to the dresser.

"Where's your clothes from yesterday?" I ask. If I fell asleep on his chest, how did he get them off and into a hamper?

"I don't know. Probably under my bed or something." He shrugs. I smile, then can't help myself as I run my fingers down the tensed muscles in his back. He completely stops moving and I notice the goosebumps that rise to his skin. I continue and go up his back, to his shoulder and then softly let my hand run down his arms. His breathing rises, causing me to smirk and step closer, wrapping my arm around his waist and laying my cheek on his back. My fingers still trace circles onto his stomach, just below his belly button.

"Vanity." His voice comes out rough and strained, making me grin.

"Hmm?" I lift my head slightly.

"I-I'm going to need you to . . . to stop." He stutters as I trace another circle, a little larger.

"How come?" I ask, continuing my actions. Suddenly, I'm pinned up against the dresser, making me gasp. But this time, it's not from his anger. His eyes are a deep shade of emerald green, and I notice an odd look in his eyes as they scan up and down my body. I grin and rest my hand back where it was and begin tracing the tattoo he has of the fern leaves, but he grabs my hand and leans his body against me, holding me to the dresser and making me gasp. His forehead rests on mine and his eyes are wild. I realize that he has my hands pinned as well. Just as he's leaning in to kiss me, someone knocks in the door.

"Harry. We can hear your guys' thoughts from down stairs. You need to get ready . . . even if you are-" I wince as Calum says something vulgar and a deep blush finds its way to my cheeks. I'm surprised to see Harry blushing as well.

He pulls away and softly pushes me aside before digging an outfit out of his dresser.

Within a few minutes, we're both properly dressed and heading down the stairs to the living room. When we step through the doorway, all the boys' chatter stops. Michael smirks and makes a suggestive comment, forcing me to look at the ground, my cheeks flushing red.

"Morning, Vanity, Harry." Liam says, shaking his head at Michael. "Simon wants you guys to meet him at the studio."

"Okay. Did he sound angry?" I frown.

"A little frustrated, but he always sounds like that." Louis says with a shrug.

"But seriously, you guys should leave now, so you can get there on time. He'd probably be less grumpy if you got there early." Ashton says. Harry nods, tugs on my wrist, and pulls me out the door.

On the way there, I try to start a conversation, but something takes over me and my nerve disappears. Usually, I have no problems with opening my mouth, but it seems wrong to do or say anything. I find myself forcing myself to speak up. (AN: That sentence sounded super weird) "I'm sorry." I say, but I don't know what for.

"For what?" He asks and I think before replying.

"For being so emotional last night." I shrug, but keep my eyes on the road.

"Don't be sorry for that." I peek over at him and see him frowning.

"You seem different." I mumble.

He looks at me, and I want to keep looking back, but I have to keep my eyes on the road. "What do you mean?"

"I mean . . . gentler. Maybe less . . . I don't know. Uptight?" The words come out like word vomit. I can't stop. "Usually you are always upset or grumpy about something, but you seem different today."

"I'm not always upset or grumpy!" He defends. "You just have a way of getting under my skin!"

"Yeah, okay." I laugh. "You know, I think you just-"

"You missed your turn." He cuts me off. I groan and take the next exit.

"Gosh, quit distracting me." I shove his shoulder playfully.

"Quit looking at me and you won't be distracted." He smirks. I can't help but laugh out loud at that.

Soon enough, we pull up to SYCO and I park the car. Harry's eyes are on me as I take a deep breath and let it out, then turn the key and unlock the doors. He keeps silent as we get out and walk into the building, which makes me sort of nervous. What does Simon want?

Oh my goodness, it's been so long since I've updated anything. I'm so so so so sorry. I have no excuses except the fact that I was being lazy and had really bad writers block!!! Please let me know what you think and if you want to yell at me in the comments, I totally understand.

Love you guys!!!! 💜💜💜

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