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Just as he's close enough for me to feel his breath on my face, he leans back and I open my eyes, looking at him with pure confusion.

"I-I can't." Harry moves away from me and his eyes dart downward, guilt and sadness masking his face. I can see something behind his eyes. He's hiding something, and I wanna know what it is.

"Wh-what?" I frown, sitting up and scooting back against the headboard. "Why not?!" I ask harshly. I may seem pretty needy and clingy right now, and I know it's not me, but I wanna know what the heck is wrong with kissing me.

"I can't kiss you, Vanity." Harry whispers. He turns his head completely away from me.

"Why not, Harry?! Am I not good enough for you? Huh? Is that it? Do I have to be some Taylor Swift wanna be for you to like me?!" I throw my hands in the air, yanking on his right wrist with these stupid cuffs. It shouldn't have hurt me that he didn't want to kiss me, being that we don't even get along very well, but yesterday he said he liked me, and I believed him. I guess I'm just a stupid girl who should never have gotten her hopes up that Harry Styles had a crush on her.

"You know what?! No. You're not good enough for me." He replies, looking angry and I still see the guilt in his eyes. I'm nearly heartbroken at his words until he continues. "You're too good for me! I don't deserve someone as innocent, sweet, or intelligent as you!"

"Why not, Harry?" I ask, softly, now finding that all along, he has been too insecure for his feelings to show. If I'd known, I'd have been much more polite to him. "Why do you think you're no good? Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. Harry, you may not see it, but you know who does? Me, and all twenty-five million of those girls can see that you are not only perfect, but you're imperfectly perfect. Just like the rest of us. No one sees it in themselves. We have to learn to see it. It's not human nature to be arrogant and we shouldn't be. But it is human nature to be self-concious, which we also shouldn't be. We all need to learn to accept ourselves as we are; respect ourselves, and everyone would be a lot better off. Can't we just find a happy/medium?"

"Vanity-" Harry begins, but I shush him.

"Harry! Look at me. Be honest. Do you think that there would be prostitutes if we - every person on this earth - were all more confident and respectful to ourselves?" I ask.

"What?!" He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head, confused.

"If those girls respected themselves better, do you really think they'd be standing on the sides of the streets to sell their bodies to strangers to make money? And those men. If they were more confident in themselves, they wouldn't feel the need to buy their love. We all need encouragement, Harry. Don't ever put yourself below your full potential. Recognize your talents, best traits, and abilities, and only after should you ever start looking at all of your faults. If we all looked at our faults first, what would we have left to love?"

"God, I hope I'd have you!" Before I know it, I'm yanked forward and Harry slams his lips into mine. I moan and instinctively run my fingers through his curls, and he does the same. But no sooner than it started, it comes to an end. Harry quickly yanks himself away from me.

"Harry?" I look at him, slightly worried.

"Don't ever try that again. Do you hear me?" He growls, rolling over and holding me to the bed by my throat.

"Tr-t-try wh-what?!" I cry, clawing at his hand. His eyes look bloodshot, but only in his irises. Strange . . .

"Don't you ever trick me with smooth talk into being affectionate toward you in any way ever again!" He growls.

"Trick you?!"

"Yes! You tricked me!" He lets go.

"No I didn't!" I argue.

"I can't believe you." He ignores me and squeezes his eyes shut while turning away.

"You . . . Can't believe . . . me? Look at yourself, Harry! Quit moping around! The world does not revolve around you!" I rub my throat and glare at the back of his head.

"Something wrong in here?" I look up at Louis and sigh in relief.

"I can't deal with her right now. Lou, we need to talk. Privately." Harry growls out. Louis looks over at me then back at Harry and nods.

"Come on." Louis pulls Harry outside the room and shuts the door on our cuffs. I gape at what just happened and groan, sitting and leaning my back against the door, putting my ear against it to try and hear something - anything - but I hear nothing. So I take that time to take my phone out and do my much-needed research.

Your Search: What kind of human creature heals, strong, can control minds, and eyes turn red when angry?


Astonishing functions of the human brain and . . .

Crystal Healing: Magical or just a rock . . .

Grand Pebbie: DisneyWiki

What the . . . What is this?! I furrow my eyebrows.

Your Search: What kind of mythical creature heals, strong, can control minds, and eyes turn red when angry?


Top 5 Mythical Creatures and Shapeshiters . . .

I immediately click on that one.

5. Wendigo. I shake my head at the sight of the picture. That's definitely not Harry. 4. Encantado. Hmm . . . Only human at night. Nope! 3. Aswang. Almost always female . . . Well . . . His hormones are like a female's? Nah. 4. Lycanthrope. I know what that is. Last night was a full moon, so Harry can't be a werewolf. But the #1 creature catches my eye. It's a- I'm shoved forward by the door and onto the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Harry asks, still looking quite angry but I notice his eyes are puffy. So are Louis's.

"Um . . . I-I was just-" I hide my phone in my back pocket. "I was texting Marty." I lie. Harry furrows his eyebrows and reaches behind me, grabbing the phone right out of my pocket, making me squeal in surprise. I jump, trying to get the phone from his hand, but he holds it in the air, out of my reach.

"Hmm . . ." Harry scrolls through my history, but I had it on private; thank God. "Really, Vanity? You were sitting here looking up Michael Clifford?! And I thought you were less predictable than that." He snorts. I widen my eyes. That was the last thing I looked up! Thank you Michael Gordon Clifford! You saved the day!

One thing for sure . . . I think I finally know what Harry is. Honestly . . . It scares me.



Sorry for such a long wait! I just moved across the state and finally got the internet fixed. Yayyyyy!!!!!!

Anywhew . . . Please go check out 's new true story The Shaded Side of Perfect and check out her book, Doubts! She's an amazing writer and needs readers. Also, please check out the book, Demoralized by @areyoupositive ! It's #amazing and they're both awesome! Thank you soooo much! xx

Bye! xx Rae xx

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