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        "Hello, my name is Thalia. I'll be your waitress this evening. What can I get for you lovely couple, today?" She smiles at us, Harry still looking at his menu. We're at a really fancy restaurant called Siki where they cook your food right in front of you.

        "We're not a couple." I inform her and give her a sympathetic smile and hold up our cuffed hands. She quickly returns the sympathetic smile.

        "I'd like your special for today - the uh . . . Grilled Chicken Breast and Siki Shrimp." He looks up and smiles. I scrunch up my nose. I would probably never order that. The girl looks at Harry for a moment, though and her eyes widen.

        "A-and for you, Miss?" She shakes herself out of her little trance and turns to me.

        "I'll take the Grilled Salmon Steak and the Vegitable Delight." I smile at her and she nods.

        "Would you like anything to drink?" She asks.

        "Um . . . Get some hot Sake for the both of us." Harry smirks. [A/N Sake is a Korean alchoholic beverage. It's like a mix of wine and whiskey but it is made from rice and gets people drunk really fast if they're lightweight drinkers. It's pronounced, "Sockee"] I look over at him and furrow my eyebrows.

        "Harry, I don't know what that is. What if I don't like it?" I frown.

        "It's a drink made out of rice. You should like it. If not, I'll get you something else." He tells me. I sigh and sit back, nodding to the waitress.

        After the cook comes out and makes our food - which I've got to admit was pretty cool to watch - he pulls the shrimp out and lifts it up in the air, telling Harry to open his mouth. "Oh, no. I can never catch these." Harry tells the cook.

        "Come on. You can do it!" The man insists. Harry sighs and opens his mouth. The cook tosses the shrimp perfectly, but Harry moves his head to catch it, making it hit him in the eye and bounce onto the counter. I try to hold back my laughter, but it ends out coming out in a very loud, obnoxious snort. "One more try. For the lady!" He laughs, holding up the shrimp. Harry huffs and opens his mouth - very widely, might I add - and waits as the cook throws the shrimp, making it land right in Harry's mouth. I laugh as Harry coughs on the shrimp but chews it up nonetheless. "Now your turn, Miss!" The man turns to me, but I shake my head.

        "No, thanks." I smile at him and wave my hand dismissively, but he gives me an ornery look.

        "Come on! I bet you can catch better than your boyfriend." He laughs.

        "He's not my boyfriend." I say through clenched teeth, holding up our cuffed hands once again. Harry just smirks and grabs my hand when I put it back under the table. I try to yank it away, but he holds it tightly as if he actually wants to hold hands.

        "Ah . . . Tough situation. Here. Just try one." He insists again. I groan and open my mouth. He tosses it right in and I close my mouth, chewing up the odd shrimp. I hate shrimp but this actually isn't completely horrible. "Ha-ha! See, I told you!" He grins, putting the rest of our finished food on our plates.

        "Here is your hot Sake!" Thalia walks back to us. Harry smiles at her and lets her sit two tall white bottles right in between our plates, along with what looks like two miniature white tea cups with no handles. [Pic on side]

        "Here." Harry says, pouring some in my glass, then pouring some of his own. "On three, like a shot glass." He smiles at me as if for reassurance. I slowly nod. "One, two, three." He lifts his drink up and so do I, swallowing the drink. It makes my throat really hot but it doesn't burn, and it's kind of sweet. I like it. "So, what do you think?" He turns to me. 

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