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As we pull into the studio, my nerves begin to rise with worry. I don't know if I can handle any more moody men and Simon is the top of the grumpy men list. What if I lose control and attack Simon? Is he a vampire too? Will he kill me because I found out?

"You think too much." Harry grumbles, massaging his temples.

"I know. I wish I could shut it off sometimes." I rub my thumbs on the steering wheel, trying to figure out some way to stay in the vehicle.

"I mean . . . there is. You won't like it." He looks up and I see the corner of his lip twitch as if he's trying to hide a smile.

"How about we dumb me down after we talk to Simon." I nervously laugh. He chuckles and nods.

"Are you going to open the door or do I need to drag you out the passenger side?" He raises a brow at me. I groan and pull the key out of the ignition, then open the door. I can't tell you how difficult it is to get out when you're handcuffed to the passenger. Harry swings his feet upward and slides into the driver's side, trying not to fall. "Don't laugh at me." He commands, grunting as he hops onto the pavement next to me.

"If you fell, I don't know if I could stop myself." I shrug.

"If I fell, you'd go down with me." He says in a 'duh' sort of tone.

I roll my eyes and cross an arm over my chest. "If you fell you'd either squish me or I would duck out of your way. Try to at least."

"Are you calling me fat?" He frowns. We make our way across the lot and into the double doors. The fluorescent lights are blinding after being outside under the cloudy sky.

"No, but I'm not calling you a bean pole either." My stomach twists uncomfortably at the sound of the receptionists voice.

"Mr. Cowell will see you now." She says as we walk past her desk. She tosses her blonde curls over her shoulder and tilts her head back, her small, pointy nose upturned.

"As if we need your permission, Chloe." Harry scoffs. They must not get along very well.

"Permission has never been a problem for you, Mr. Styles. Has it?" She quirks a brow with mischief swirling in her grey eyes.

"Never needed it." He shrugs and ignores her attempt to flirt with him. "Don't be nervous." He whispers to me and pushes the door open with his left hand. With his right, he grasps my hand quickly to give it a reassuring squeeze. It comforts me in a way.

"Right. Ignore nerves." I mumble.

"That's the spirit!" He chuckles. We look up to see Simon sitting at his desk, tons of papers littered across it.

Without looking up, he speaks, "Sit." We quickly sit in the leather chairs in front of his desk. I play with my fingers nervously. Finally he looks up at us. His expression changes from stressed to humor in just a split second. "You two really look so foolish with those cuffs on." He chuckles.

"I know." I mumble, frowning.

"I'm not finished. You two may look like pure idiots, but this is actually getting a lot of press and your stats have risen tremendously since the incident occurred. People are going nuts, looking up what happened, Harry." Simon smiles a little and Harry looks surprised. I can't imagine the look on my own face. "And you, Vanity. Your name has become famous. The only girl in the world who doesn't want to be stuck to Harry Styles. I think it's genius."

"So we aren't in trouble for anything?" Harry asks what I was thinking.

"No, but I do want you two to stage another fight. Get the paps going. Something that isn't too serious. Then I want you guys to make up. In public. People are paying attention and when people see that she can't keep her hatred toward you, they'll go crazy. Especially since everyone knows you got her fired, and your bus killed her friend. 'Harry Styles - the boy who's impossible to hate!'"

I wince. Everyone knows about my best friend? How could the press know that? Marty. He must have told them. Anger wells in my stomach. It wasn't his place to tell my story! How could he just- "So that's all? You want us to get a front page story?"

"That's all." Simon shrugs. "You're free to go." We look at each other and stand. "Oh and Vanity?" I turn to look back at him. "Try not to release our little secret to the press, would you? We won't want to have to clean something like that up." His voice goes dark and dangerous and it makes my hair rise.

I nod and pull Harry with me away from the desk. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible.

* * *
Hey guys! It's been sooooo incredibly long since I've written and I'm so so sorry! I lost my login information and honestly forgot about my account until someone actually walked up to me in public and asked me if I was still writing. Crazy right?!
Anyways I am gonna try to start updating my stories on my days off! I don't know if anyone is even still reading them but it's worth a try! I've gone from teenage fan girl the last time I wrote to an adult trying to pay dumb bills and move in with my man 😂
See you soon my wonderful carrots and potatoes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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