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        I stare down at the gutter and cover my mouth, yanking Harry's hand over as I do so. He yanks his hand back, jerking mine with his and runs his free hand through his hair.

        "Louis, are you stupid?!" Harry growls. There is a secret hidden in his eyes as he glares at his mate.

        "Oh... Um... Oops?" Louis stammers as he backs away, slowly.

        "I-I-I-no. I can't stay cuffed to you!" I grab my wrist, trying to yank and twist, doing anything I can to try to get my hand out of the cuffs, but it's no use. "Louis, how could you do this?!" I cry, pulling at the cuffs, still.

        "You guys were going to drive us insane with your complaining. It was the least I could do." He shrugs, but looks fearful as Harry still glares at him.

        "You think we're going to be less of a pain when we're cuffed together?!" Harry shouts, making me wince. I watch as Harry's eyes begin to turn darker and darker. He closes them and turns away, opening them when he feels like they're normal, and pulling me with him, back to the SYCO building. He's so fast that I have to run to keep up, but it looks like he's only walking. "Liam, I need you to... To get me a drink." Harry says, looking over at his friend. Liam nods in understanding and walks toward Harry's car, pulling his own key from his pocket as he goes. Why does Liam have to leave to get Harry a drink? Harry opens the door for me, but still yanks me in quite roughly, stopping when we're back in the meeting room.

        "Would you stop yanking me around?! I'm not a ragdoll!" I screech at him. He looks even angrier.

        "If you'd walk a bit faster, I wouldn't have to yank you around!" He shouts right back at me.

        "Shut up!" Marty and Paul both shout, making the both of us jump, and I fall off of my chair, yanking Harry with me.

        "Really? You had to yank me down with your clumsy-" Before Harry can even finish, I lift my hand and smack it as hard as I can acrost his face. He gasps and widens his eyes, staring at me and holding his cheek with his lips slightly parted.

        "Don't you ever speak to me like that again." I spit at him, blinking my eyes that almost teared up, shoving him off of me and placing myself back in my chair. He gets back in his chair as well, looking dumbfounded. "I thought Anne taught you better." I whisper to myself. There was no way he could have heard it, but he did.

        "What did you say?" He stands up and leans over me, looking furious.

        I also stand, holding my ground, pushing the chair away from myself. "I said I thought Anne taught you better." His nostrils flare, and it seems as if his whole body tensed up.

        "Don't you dare talk about my Mum! She is everything to me! But I bet your mother probably threw you out onto the streets with your manners!" Harry spits in my face and it's like venomous kryptonite. I gasp, and step back, tearing up immediately.

        "My mother is dead!" I scream at him. Marty looks angrier than I have ever seen him before and he quickly marches over. "She died at your concert! And my best friend was hit and killed by your tour bus!" I slam my fists into his chest. Marty is next to Harry now and he quickly slams his fist into Harry's jaw. But Harry recovers quickly and drags me with him as he grabs my best friend by the collar of his shirt and shoves him against the wall, his feet dangling a few inches from the floor.

        "Get off of him!" I scream and tackle Harry with as much force as I can, knocking us both to the ground, me being on top of him as he stares up at me with pure surprise. "You ruined my life! All of you did!" I slam my right hand into his chest repeatedly, but he grabs my wrists, trying to hold me still and keep me from bruising his chest. But it's no use. I yank out of his grasp and scream like a crazy person at the top of my lungs. Paul finally gets ahold of me, grabbing my arms and holding me still.

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