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        "Whoah... What happened? Are you alright?" Marty runs to close the door behind me and grabs my forearms, looking me in the eyes.

        "I got fired. Melanie forced me to take off my uniform and go home with only a tank top and bootie shorts." I cry, and he sighs, hugging me.

        "Wait... It looks like you're only wearing a Jack Wills jacket..." He frowns. "Where'd you get that?"

        "Well, it's a long story." I sigh. He looks down at me.

        "I don't need to tell you how much time I have." He smiles reassuringly.

        "Well..." I look away. "Do we have Ben And Jerry's?" I ask, looking up through my eyelashes. He smiles and nods, bringing me upstairs with the big carton of ice-cream.


        "Wow. So that's your past? I would have left the country too!" Marty exclaims. "Actually, I probably would have offed myself before I thought about moving. You did the right thing." He pats my shoulder.

        "Thanks." My voice quivers as I wipe away a stray tear. I look down into the carton, realizing that there's no more ice cream, so at my emotional state, I end up balling.

        "Vanity? Vanity, what's wrong?" He shakes me.

        "There's no more ice cream!" I cry out. He widens his eyes.

        "Oh, no!" He runs his hands through his spiky hair dramatically. "What on earth shall I ever do?!" He yells, then gasps, holding up a finger. "I'VE GOT IT!" He screams, running down the stairs, making me stop crying and immediately begin laughing, forgetting my past all over again. But then I hear the front door open.

        "Where are you going?!" I yell.

        "I'm getting ice cream! And cake! We're having ice cream and cake! And we're going to celebrate!"

        "Celebrate what?"

        "Who cares?Whatever comes to mind! We're just going to celebrate!"

        "Well, hold up! I'm coming!" I throw a jacket on over the pair of pajamas I changed into earlier. As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs, he holds a hand up with a look of disgust.

        "Girl, that is a huge fashion no-no!" He groans, staring my outfit of a hot pink cupcake pajama sleeping sweater and lime green Looney Tunes fuzzy pants. And then he picks at my maroon coat in horror. "You are so lucky you're having a mental breakdown." He sighs, then pulls me out the door. Half-way there, he looks at me again and groans. "Ugh... I don't even want to be seen with you in that!" He scoffs. I laugh and shove him with my shoulder.

        "You love me anyway." I giggle.

        "Yeah, yeah! You keep telling yourself that..." He sighs, pretending to flip hair off of his shoulder.

        "Nah. Why tell myself when you can do it?" We both cackle at my sarcasm

        "Okay, okay, okay. Let's get inside the market. I'm freezing!" He whines, grabbing my wrist and yanking me through the doors. He grabs a cart and walks toward the ice cream, grabbing four cartons and throwing them in, grinning like an idiot.

        "Marty, how are we going to pay for all that, and a cake?" I ask him.

        "Well, because someone may or may not have gotten about three hundred euros while busking today, because a certain celebrity may or may not have liked my voice!" He sqeals. I laugh and grab his shoulders.

        "Seriously?! That's amazing, Marty!" I yell. We both jump up and down, giggling like thirteen year olds.

        "So tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!" He sings, both of us cracking up and then continuing toward the cakes. He smirks as he picks up a One Direction cake. "I have an idea." He puts that cake in a cart and we go to the check out isles. And that night I literally eat away my pain.


        "Vanity! Wake up!" Marty tickles my nose with a feather as he teases me in a sing-song voice. "If you don't, I am going to shove this thing up your nose!" I groan and roll over, shoving my face under the pillow.

        "Go away! I'm dead!" I growl at him.

        "Oh, okay. I'll just call the morgue to have you buried tonight." He chuckles, and begins dialing a number.

        I snort. "Very funny-"

        "You've reached the Erondale Funeral Home, how may I help you?" A girl asks. I gasp.

        "Marty Jacob-" He cuts me off.

        "Sorry, wrong number!" He cackles, hanging up. I lean over and punch him as hard as I can. He just scoffs and claims it didn't hurt, making sure to throw in that I am a 'major weenie'. "So, now that you're up... I am taking you..." I close my eyes, praying. Don't say shopping! Don't say shopping! "Shopping!" He yells. I groan and shove my face back into the pillow. Next thing I know, he shoves me onto the floor. Very harshly, might I add!

        "Ow." I say, stiffly.

        "Come on! Let's go!"

        "No, Marty. You just broke the floor with my face and now I freaking have to fix it." I grumble, laying my head on the floor, fisting up a handful of the carpet.

        "Vanity!" He whines, dragging my name out as if it is fifty letters long.

        "Make me." I groan.

        "Kay." At that, he hops up and throws me over his shoulder, walking me into the bathroom, ignoring my pleas to put me down. But then I see why.

        He stops at the edge of the bathtub and spins a bit, then throws me into the ice-cold water. "Marty Jacob Fletcher! I'm gonna kill you!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

        He just smirks. "Tell me when you're ready."


Boy who plays Marty is on the side. I know Boris isn't gay. I love him to death, but that's a bit like what I pictured Marty as. So peace! No hate! :P :D

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