Chapter 4

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A/N: Uh-oh. It looks like Luke's in a bit of trouble...tut tut Luke, don't you know the rockstar lifestyle catches up with you at some point?
Can he save Ivy and his relationship? Does he even care about it that much?

And as for Harry... Well, he seems to be rising in Ivy's favour... This could go one of two ways...

But what happens when we throw another boy with feelings for her into the mix? Just when clueless but Ivy thought it couldn't get any more complicated...

H x


*** IVY'S POV ***

"Have you even packed yet?" Harry laughed down the phone.

"Yes..." I answered out of breath, running around my room, chucking last minute bits of underwear and hair grips into my bag. "I mean no...almost!"

He laughed. "Right I'll leave you to it, I'll be there in 10!" I hung up.

I was sharing the driving with Harry. We also were taking Ed and Ashton with us because neither of them could drive, well Ashton not in the UK. By the sounds of the laughing and chattering in the background on the phonecall to Harry, they were both already in his black Range Rover anyway. I panicked last minute and just about got everything in my suitcase as the doorbell rang.

"Come in!" I shouted from my room. I was sitting on my suitcase, trying to do the zip up. Packing was never one of my strong points.

"Damnit!" I said through gritted teeth.

Ed's ginger hair and his tattoo sleeve appeared in the doorway in the mirror. "Need some help?" He laughed.

"Ed oh my god. Help me dude! Please! I've just about got everything in! I can't close it!" I exclaimed.

He laughed and helped me zip it up.

"How have you been then Ivy? Harry said you haven't been doing so well?" He asked me as we dragged my suitcase through to the Hall.

"Yeah... Er... not great to be honest. Finding out your boyfriend, most likely has an STD from the multiple girls he's been sleeping with, isn't the best thing."

Ed pulled a face. Which looked somewhere between embarrassed and solemn.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I apologised, I could be so blunt with my words sometimes.

"It's fine don't worry!" He smiled and waved it away, he picked up my suitcase. "Harry's invited a lot more people than he said he would..."

"Really? How many?"

"The house fits about 25 people" He told me seriously.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I locked the flat door. "Azzy and Luke still aren't coming are they?" I sniffed. I hadn't spoken to her since she dobbed me and Harry in to Luke last week and I didn't really want to speak to her. She'd been staying at her parents house all week. I suggested I'd stay at Harry's but she refused and said it would cause more drama and that was the last thing I needed. It was pretty nice of her to be honest but I was still upset.

"I don't think so..." He said quickly "but maybe if she is, you should try making up with her? Isn't she like your sister?" He suggested. I knew he was right and I should probably stop being so stubborn or at least ask her why she did what she did. I nodded at him.

"Good!" And he placed my suitcase alongside theirs' in Harry's boot.

"Who shotgunned the front seat then?" I laughed.

"Ashton did."

Let's see what I could do...

I tapped on Ashton's window. He grinned at me and rolled the window down. "Yes m'lady?" He teased.

"I get car sick in the back." I lied to him smiling sweetly and batting my eyelashes.

"No you don't!" He shouted

"Yeah I do."

"No you don't"

"YES I do."




"Just let her sit in the front Ash, we're gonna be here all day otherwise!" Harry interrupted, rolling his eyes and laughing.

"Yeah come on Ash! Ladies first!" Ed piped up from the back.

I smirked at Ash childishly but jokingly and he rolled his eyes dramatically and huffed and got out, he gave me a quick hug and then climbed into the back with Ed.

"Thanks Ash!" I blew a kiss at him and he grinned.

"Hey." Harry smiled at me.

"Hey." I smiled back.

And off we went!

*** AZZY'S POV ***

"I don't know Luke maybe this was a bad idea..." I trailed off and looked out the window at the motorway.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Maybe because Harry, Ivy and Ashton will hate you?" Calum piped up from the backseat.

"Who cares?" He shrugged.

I glanced at Calum, Michael and Zoe in the back. Calum was in the middle. Mikey was fast asleep on the right and Zoe was listening to music and bobbing her head to the beat on the left. Zoe is one of mine and Ivy's friends.

"Harry said you could bring whoever though Azzy." Luke argued.

"Wait what? HARRY invited you?" Calum asked shocked.

"Yeah. Who else would've?" I laughed.
"He said it would be a good chance for me and Ivy to try and make up because he knows it wasn't my fault. He doesn't/didn't care." I replied.

"Wow. I'm guessing Ivy doesn't know you're coming?" Cal asked me.

"Nope, I don't think so..." I sighed. "That's what I'm worried about..."

*** ASHTON'S POV ***

We blasted Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis, one of Ivy's fave songs/bands, as Harry zoomed down the motorway. We were all singing along really loudly and carelessly. I hadn't seen her look this happy and carefree in ages. The constant frown and stressed expression had disappeared and she was smiling so much. Seeing her happy made me happy. She was grinning showing all her straight, white teeth. Her beautiful crystal blue eyes were sparkling with happiness and carefreeness and the sunlight reflected off her blonde hair which she was tossing around laughing.

She truly was something else. She was stunning. And whenever she was happy, everyone was immediately happy as well, she had this amazing power around people which was just inexplicable...

"Ashton?" She interrupted my thoughts by chucking an empty bottle of water at me.

"Hmm what?" I asked, picking up the bottle from my lap.

"What are you staring at?! Come on! Sing!" She ushered me. So I joined in with her, Ed and Harry as we all laughed and sped down the motorway to the beautiful scenery of the Lake District. We savoured and indulged in this amazing, happy and peaceful atmosphere while we still could. Little did we know, this was the calm before the storm...

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