Chapter 11

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A/N: it's all kicking off now!!!... But isn't Ivy just as bad sleeping with Luke's best mate?...

H x



"She just stormed off?" Calum asked me.

"Yes and she isn't answering her phone! I'm so worried about her Calum!" I panicked.

Calum frowned and Michael ate pizza.

"Stop eating!!" I shouted at Michael.

"Sorry..." He looked surprised and put the pizza down on the bed.

"Not on my bed jesus!" I shouted

He picked it up and shoved it all in his mouth.

"You disgusting creature Michael Clifford..." Calum laughed.

"Guys!?" None of them seemed to see how serious this was.

"Call Harry? He'll know where she is" Michael suggested, mumbling through the pizza.

"Good plan..." I got my phone out, the moaning from Luke's room got louder.

We all looked at each other disgusted.

"Oh can someone please tell them to shut up!" Calum frowned.

"I will" Michael suddenly jumped up, he seemed suspicious...

Calum and I frowned at him.

"I mean er... It's just er... Easier if I... Er... Go in" he stumbled.

"What are you hiding?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Nothing!" He tried to backtrack.

Me and Calum looked at each other and then bolted for Luke's room.

"No stop!" Michael yelled and charged after us.

Calum slammed the door open.

"Keep the noise down je..." He shouted laughing and then stopped mid sentence, he looked horrified.

I looked at Michael and Michael pressed his lips together in a thin line. He looked like he was in pain.

I walked up to the door and followed Calum's gaze.

Fucking hell....


They both looked at me and Calum in shock, they mirrored Cal's expression to a T.

"What the..." I started. Of course, Calum had been sort of seeing Azzy so this would of been heart breaking for him.

"Don't tell Ivy." Luke said. He was absolutely disgusting.
Azzy shuffled down under the duvet covers to hide. Good, she should be ashamed.

Suddenly the door from downstairs crashed open with an earthquake like bang.

"LUKE!?" Ivy screamed. Damn she sounded livid.

Luke's eyes widened in horror.

"Fuck off and shut the door!" he hissed and waved us but we didn't listen to him, we just stood there. She was storming up the stairs fast.

"Guys!?" He shouted desperately, pleading.

She reached the door. She saw Luke.

I've never seen a girl so angry before. The fury in her eyes was incredible.

***IVY'S POV***

He looked back at me sheepishly. I leant against the doorframe next to Calum. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

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