Chapter 7

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A/N: Decided to speak to Luke then I? Ooh it's all kicking off now!!

H x


"I think it's a good idea" Harry nodded.

"For closure" Ed confirmed.

"For closure" Harry repeated.

I wandered downstairs. Lou was sitting at the table with Azzy and Calum talking in hushed tones.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, confused.

"He uh... Went..." Calum said

"Went? Went where?" I asked urgently.

"He went home Ivy." Azzy said looking annoyed.

"Why?" I snapped.

The three of them looked at each other awkwardly.

"He said he only came here to speak to you." Calum bit his lip. "When you wouldn't he decided there was no point being here and he stormed off..."

My heart crumbled and I burst into tears. For the third time today!

"Hey hey" Lou ran up to me and hugged me soothingly, stroking my head.

"What's happened?" Harry asked as he and Ed came down.

"Luke's gone" Lou told him.

I ran out of her arms and out the house.

"Ivy!" Lou called.

"Luke!?" I screamed. "LUKE!" Desperately and very drunk I collapsed on the floor and began to cry.

"Why do I always fuck everything up!" I shouted. I got up and screamed again.


Harry, Calum, Ed and Ashton came running out.

"Ivy. Come on." Ashton pulled me into his arms.

"Ashton. Call him. Call him now!" I demanded.

"Im not sure that's the best idea when you're like this..." Harry said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I glared at him and ran off into the forest. I ran and ran until I was pretty lost.

"LUKE!" I screeched desperately. "LUKE PLEASE!"

"Please, Whoever's up there, God, I don't know who you are. Please bring Luke to me! Please! Im begging you." I knelt down.


I snapped up at the sound of his voice. He was sitting at the root of the tree. I was amazed. Was that just a coincidence or...?


"Why are you screaming?"

I felt my cheeks go hot.

Luke stood up and walked over to me, he looked anxious.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"What are YOU doing?" I rebounded the question. I always had to be snappy with him.

"I needed some fresh air." He told me.

"Same..." I nodded.

"Do you want to talk now?" He asked me. I nodded again.

"I haven't slept with any other girls Ivy." He repeated for like the 10000 time.

"Luke you HAVE!"



"What is this high school?" I snapped.

"Just hear me out." He said. I shut my mouth.

"Ashton is making it up. He LIKES you Ivy!" Luke told me.

"So? Why would he lie about it?"

"Because he wants you!" The butterflies started up again.

I shook my head. "Luke it's always the same argument, over and over again."

"Because you won't listen to me!" He shouted.

"Don't shout at me!" I shouted.

"You're shouting!" I yelled back.

"Oh my god!" He shrieked in frustration. "Look at us! We can't get through 3 seconds of talking without yelling!"

"Because you wind me up! Why aren't you just honest with me!?"


"No Luke..." I shook my head.

"Ivy please, I love you. I really do." He grabbed my hands.

I yanked them out of his grasp. "If you really did love me Luke, you wouldn't have cheated on me." I said quietly.

"Ivy, I was going to ask you to marry me."


My head snapped up. My stomach dropped.

"I was. Until all of this started." He started to cry.

My heart melted, jumped, broke and crumbled all at the same time.

I was speechless.

"Would you have said yes?" He asked me.

"IVY!" Harry was shouting from the distance.

We heard rustling behind us and Ashton and Calum appeared.

"What's going on?" Calum asked.

"Nothing." I sniffed and my legs just gave way and I collapsed. All three boys ran over to me to pick me up. Ashton beat the others.

"I think we've all had too much to drink tonight." He trailed off.

Harry and Ed appeared.

"Thank god!" Harry sighed.

"Come on Luke" Calum said and wrapped an arm around him. They wandered off back to the house together and Luke stopped and looked back at me.

"Come on" Calum dragged him away.

"What happened?" Ashton asked quietly.

"He said he was going to ask me to marry him..." I stammered, I was shaking so hard.

Ash, Harry and Ed all looked gobsmacked at me.

"What?" Harry snapped.

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