Chapter 26

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Third person pov

Izuku wasn't sure what to think when he received a message from the one and only Yagi Toshinori. He felt a mix of emotions that were hard to pick apart. The biggest one of all was excitement, but apprehension was a close second. It was out of the blue. The blonde man had no reason to try and contact them again. In fact, it would make an amazing amount of sense if Yagi-san made an active effort to never talk to anyone from Suzuko Corporations again. With the massive secret he held, talking to reporters in his smaller form had to be nerve-wracking. The fear that his identity would be revealed somehow was no doubt a heart-stopping feeling.

Yagi Toshinori had asked to meet up with him and just him. Incredibly suspicious and concerning. Tenya had been completely against it. They'd told him about their theory about him being All Might and informed him to keep it under wraps. He had taken it more seriously than Kit and Izuku combined. It was actually sort of comical. He'd straightened like a military soldier and had seemed moments away from saluting. Kit had taken pictures because he thought it was cute. Tenya had tried to get him to delete them by picking the smaller boy up but it was too late. They'd already been sent out to three separate emails. Stored on them like horcruxes or something.

Back to Yagi, though. He had requested to meet at a beach nearby. It was one that was rather secluded and known to be a total dump, which was... weird. It sort of made sense. It was certainly private, but he'd been so vague in his email as to reasoning. Why did he want to meet up? He said it was to talk, but what about? Why such a shady location? No matter how Izuku looked at it, it didn't make any sense. It would be more plausible if he were asking to speak with Kit. Izuku was just an author for the magazine-- someone who didn't have any desire to really put himself out there and in the spotlight. Toshinori's sudden interest in him had peaked the suspicion of himself and his friends. 

Despite Tenya's attentiveness to keeping the secret of Yagi's identity, he had been completely against Izuku going to meet Toshinori on his own. They didn't have solid proof he was the number one hero no matter how sure of it they were. With what limited information they had on Yagi-san, Tenya didn't think it was a good idea for any of them to be going by themselves to see him. Absolutely reasonable. Kit had disagreed only somewhat. He thought Izuku should go, but he insisted the boy bring some form of protection with him. This had made Tenya pale a considerable amount, and Kit had looked at Tensei until the man raised an eyebrow and stepped out of the room.

That's how Izuku found himself in this situation. Standing in the middle of a beach-turned-landfill, sweating and with a gun tucked in his waistband. As in, an actual firearm. In his waistband. A gun. With bullets. That could shoot people. And kill them. Where had Kit even gotten this thing?! He'd just pulled it out from underneath Chad's hospital bed and tossed it at him like it was a TV remote and not an incredibly dangerous weapon. Tenya's shriek had been ungodly. Izuku was genuinely surprised the volume of it alone hadn't been enough to wake Chad from his coma. Tensei just stood outside and pretended not to know what was going on so he could have plausible deniability if something happened.

So yes, now he had a gun. He knew how to shoot one. What idiot wouldn't know the basic mechanics of a pistol? He hadn't ever used one before was all, and he really hoped he wouldn't have to. He was so going to get arrested. He was in middle school! It wasn't legal. Of course, neither were half of he and Kit did these days, but this was a whole other ballpark! The things they did were cover-up-able! This was... he... fuck. He should've taken Tenya's advice and said no. That would've been great. That would've been super duper smart-- very intellectual. 

"Ah, young Midoriya!" Toshinori's deep voice boomed before the freckled boy could turn around and make a break for it. Izuku jumped, spinning around with wide eyes. The skinny man gave a weak grin, waving as he approached rather awkwardly. Izuku swallowed heavily. This was fine. He totally didn't feel like passing out right now. Not even a little bit. Super amazing. Stunning, honestly. This was going so well. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me on such short notice. I know it must've been quite the shock." 

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