Chapter 32

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Third person pov

It was the day of the entrance exam, and there were still no signs of Denise. 

Tenya crashed through robots left and right, mind somehow managing to stay solely on his boyfriend as he did so. Kit had truly been beginning to feel it, even if the difference in him was quite subtle. It still made Tenya feel incredibly uneasy to see his boyfriend in such a state. Kit strove to be as put-together as possible, and he succeeded, always holding amazing bouts of confidence in himself regardless of the situation. He knew his worth and treated himself with as much care as he felt he deserved, as he should. His self-assuredness was one of the things Tenya loved most about him. 

Izuku sometimes argued that the brunette woke up without a single hair out of place-- that he always looked good no matter what, somehow. Tenya was inclined to agree. Kit looked pretty from every angle, at all times, and took great pride in such a fact. And whilst he was certainly still pretty despite the ongoing stress, (you can trust Tenya's opinion on this one, even if it is biased, it's still an undisputable fact), you could tell he was beginning to lose some of his usual steam. He was far from giving up, but dead-end after dead-end would have anyone's hopes dimming. He was pouring more of himself into finding out just what happened to Denise and not enough of himself into his own care. It was very worrying!

Tenya frowned, leg slamming into the head of yet another two-pointer. He knew his mind should be on the exam-- this was important, his one shot to get into UA High! He just... he couldn't help his worry, you know? He knew Tensei was staying with Kit today to keep him company and try to hunt down more on what had happened to Denise, but that did little very little to reassure Tenya, who was an expert at fretting over others. Especially Kit. It was hard to see at first, but Kit cared a lot for the people around him, and he'd run himself into the ground for those he cared about. Tenya had only seen it in small increments-- never to this degree, but he wasn't surprised. 

Nowadays, you could see the bags under Kit's eyes. They were faint, but undoubtedly there. He was a little paler than usual, his hair noticeably flatter when you looked at it long enough, and not as shiny. Tenya was probably the only one to really notice. His attention gravitated unconsciously towards Kit. Overall, the brunette teen was actually doing much better than the rest of them. Izuku looked like he may've genuinely been hit head-on with a wrecking ball. The bags under Kit's eyes were menial compared to his. Izuku's entire face looked like a shriveled up piece of fruit. Actually, now that Tenya thought about it, when was the last time the freckled teen had eaten or drank anything?

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Izuku for a while now. It was by sheer coincidence that they got placed in the same testing area. They'd both shared a look and silent mutual agreement to split up and work separately. Izuku was grimmer these days, the pain of not-knowing nagging at him most of all. You could see it in his appearance, his hair messier, his clothes askew, and a wild look in his eyes that told everyone around him just how hungry the boy was for answers. He'd grown attached to Denise. It made sense, seeing as the creature had stayed primarily at his apartment. Tenya wondered how Inko Midoriya was dealing with it all. 

Tenya was... okay, all things considered. He'd slacked a bit on his hair the past couple days, but seeing as it was the day of the exams, he had made a great effort to get himself back into tip-top shape this morning. He'd perfected his posture, spine straightened precisely, and made sure his shoulders were set back and firm. Izuku had left earlier in the morning to go talk to All Might and, according to Kit, 'cry in his arms... or whatever he did with the Number One Pro these days'. Tenya had admittedly snorted a bit. His humor was crasser these days due to Kit, but he didn't think that was a bad thing. How could anything about Kit truly be bad? Aside from his tendency to get into difficult situations in alleyways, but that was a critique borne out of concern. 

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