Chapter 18

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Third person pov

"Wait, are you... wearing eye shadow?" Izuku squinted at Kit, who was standing alongside a very flustered Tenya. The tall boy really couldn't take this. It had taken the Iida teen all of two seconds to notice Kit's sudden makeover. He'd walked up in his school uniform, smug as ever, an expectant look on his face. That's all it had taken for it to click in Tenya's brain, and for him to turn bright red. Kit had only burst into laughter. Izuku, who'd walked with Kit to the station and everything, hadn't noticed until Tenya buried his face in his hands.

"Mascara, too." Kit grinned sharply. "Katsuki did it while I was asleep, but did too good of a job for me to be mad. In fact, I kind of like it. Makes me hotter."

"Damn right." Tenya choked out, his voice strangled. Izuku let out a wheeze, and Kit just grinned more. If Tenya was into it, he could rock the eyeliner. Actually, what were the school's policies on uniforms? Could a boy wear a skirt, or was that something they'd kick him out for? They looked comfortable to him, so maybe he should look into it. No need not to broaden his clothing horizons. If girls could wear guy clothing, then boys could wear theirs. It was only common sense; that's all. 

"Alright, alright. I know. I'm attractive. We done been knew." Kit winked at Tenya again when he peeked out from between his fingers. He let out the same noise a dying animal might. "Let's get in there before Tenya here passes out. What do you say?"

Izuku nodded almost solemnly in agreement, sending Tenya a pitying look. Honestly, their relationship was one of his main sources of amusement these days. They'd been going to school a few weeks now, and Izuku had quickly settled in. He felt more confident in himself. The few remarks he'd earned about being quirkless, he'd met with the sharpest glares he could muster up. They were apparently enough if how fast the bullies scurried off was anything to go off of. That only served to increase his faith in his ability to get people to fuck off.

Kit flounced into school after tugging Tenya down to press a kiss to his cheek. Tenya reddened, but smiled anyway. The entire school knew they were dating. The homophobic remarks sent their way the first couple days of school had made Izuku cringe and wither in on himself, but Tenya and Kit both met them fiercely. Kit was already terrifying enough, with fiery red eyes and a sharp grin that sent shivers down Izuku's spine. Tenya was tall and with an imposing frame. When he chose to loom over people, it was most definitely menacing. He was one of the stronger teens in the school, as well as one of the most composed and uptight. Hearing him crack his knuckles was disconcerting. 

Kit was pretty satisfied with how things were going. They were managing to balance school and the magazine healthily, completely done gathering material for September's issue. In fact, they had so much material, Kit was thinking they'd switch to weekly updates rather than waiting a whole four week period to put out another. It would definitely ramp up sales if it were more frequent. The more popular it became, the more they could spread their ideas and such of the like. They wanted to send out positive messages, and that could be more efficiently done with more magazines. Or at least, that was Kit's logic.

Classes were spent listening to the teacher babble so they could ace their work, and then talking to one another. They stayed in the same room for every class aside from gym and art, meaning they sat together pretty much constantly. This allowed easy communication between the trio. Tenya and Izuku would brainstorm ideas for articles, looking at other media companies to see what was being covered and what was going on in the world. Kit promised some major All Might coverage, and Izuku had been going ham since then.

"Oh, yeah, I'm meeting with that guy who saved me from getting mugged a while back. He needs a job." Kit said offhandedly as they all sat down with their lunch. Izuku and Tenya let their gazes snap to him. They were halfway through the day, and his makeup was still on point. Neither wanted to know how Bakugo had done it.

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