Chapter 4

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So there is no NSFW content in this chapter, but I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to become rather,,, lemon-ish filled book, if you catch by drift. Tenya is going to start having some pretty suggestive dreams sometime soon as we move further along and his crush deepens or whatever, so if that isn't your jam, I apologize. I'll do my best to give warnings and such.

Third person pov

In love? Him? Okay, so maybe it wasn't as far fetched as he originally thought. Sitting here watching the barista flirt with Kit certainly made Tenya second guess how he felt about the boy. There was this dark, sour feeling curling in the pit of his stomach. Kit wasn't responding to the flirtations of the girl as his eyes flitted across the menu, but that didn't seem to deter her. Worst of all, she was good looking as well. Someone who'd look, dare Tenya say, cute with kit. With rosy, deep pink hair and large, blue eyes. They'd make quite the pair.

The issue was how much Tenya hated the idea.

Kit didn't seem particularly amused with the girl, but he didn't seem terribly annoyed either. As he ordered, he gave her a polite smile. It made Tenya's blood boil for some reason, and he couldn't make it stop. Just seeing the girl beam at him made him terribly angry. Again, he hadn't a clue why or how he could make it stop. She hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, from where he was sitting, she seemed perfectly pleasant. Cheerful. Just what Kit needed. Tenya wasn't small and petite, nor was he a girl, for that matter. He still couldn't help but get pissed off.

He glanced back down at his phone with a small frown. The article Tensei had sent him was originally meant to be something he just skimmed over and shrugged off. Obviously that had been the plan, seeing as Tenya hadn't thought he was in love. Well, now he was second guessing himself, and he found that he was checking the article more often than not for signs. This just so happened to be one, and he also hated that. Falling in love with Kit wasn't supposed to happen, after all.

He didn't really know what to do. Things seemed to be getting worse for him. Just the idea of Kit hanging out with someone irked him, which wasn't at all cool. He just couldn't help it! He couldn't focus long enough on his phone to read much of anything without glancing back at Kit and the barista. His teeth ground together almost completely against his will as Kit took the two drinks from the girl, his hand brushing hers twice. Twice.

"Ugh, finally." Kit hissed, setting down Tenya's cup in front of him. The jaws of whatever beast was previously clamping down on Tenya's heart vanished, and the dark something that had been looming over the part of him that was usually so calm and composed drifted away as Kit grinned at him in that very Kit-like way that Tenya loved. Just watching those crimson eyes sparkle left him moderately overjoyed. And decently relieved. He felt disgusted with himself, but couldn't deny how glad he was that Kit was over here with him, and no longer interacting with the barista. He made a mental note to offer to go order the drinks himself next time.

"She seemed to... ah, like you." Tenya tried his best to cover his distaste with a light tone, but if Kit's raised eyebrows were anything to go by, he hadn't done a very good job. Tenya immediately flushed red from embarrassment, lowering his gaze to his drink while silently hoping Kit didn't care enough to look too far into his odd behavior.  He didn't want Kit jumping to any conclusions before Tenya could come to any of his own. There was still a big chance that he wasn't in love with Kit, and just admired him as a person.

Kit sighed, more to himself than anything. Tenya blushing wasn't exactly new, but he couldn't deny that it made his heart pick up its pace ever so slightly. Unlike Tenya, he'd come to terms with the fact that he was totally crushing on his best friend. It wasn't particularly ideal, of course. Crushes were a huge pain in the ass, but they also weren't something controllable. You couldn't choose to simple 'get rid' of a crush, just like you couldn't choose who you got it on. Besides, if Kit was right about Tenya liking him back, then maybe things would work out for the better. 

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