Chapter 30

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Third person pov

First of all, Rei looks great as brunette. Second of all, Denise has a massive goddamn crush on Katsuki for some reason and none of them are sure what to do about it. But that's an issue for another time.

The UA exams are coming up fast, and they're scrambling to try and get the Chad project done with everything else going on. Tenya's kicking reinforced sandbags across a gym as training which is about as attractive and you're probably thinking it is and yes, Izuku has been running off into the sunset with All Might. Between that and the fact that they're cramming like their lives depend on it, they haven't had as much time to pour themselves into the Chad project; especially considering they still have the normal magazine to deal with. With Izuku and Tenya so preoccupied, Kit has had more creative freedoms, but you know. It's a real trade off.

There's also the matter of when to launch the Chad because, you know, it has to be dramatic and at the right time. Kit and Izuku have been going over statistics and have noticed that Endeavor seems to make a massive blunder once every three months (it's probably all his PR team will allow) about something or another, so during one of those times will probably be good. 

Kit really wants to get Suzuko Corporations more publicity before then. They have a ton, don't get him wrong, but he doesn't just want this to blow up. He wants this shit nuclear. Thus, he's got six more in-person interviews scheduled, Rei is their new social media rep, and they're not distributing to a few more countries than before. That, and they're looking at engineering commercial products.

"I don't see why you don't try for Gen Ed or the Business track." Izuku groaned, hunched over a text book and looking like he may be in real, physical pain. He gave Kit a look that Tenya would dorkily classify as 'salty' if you asked him. "You aced the mocks. Somehow."

"I'm hot and I'm smart. What can I say?" Kit absentmindedly waved a hand. He's somehow managed to commandeer Tenya's lap for himself and has been fucking around on his laptop for the past hour whilst Tenya reads does homework off to the side. Kit is so proud. He hasn't even turned red yet! 

"Your apparent 'hotness'," Izuku made air quotations which was honestly just downright offensive at this point, "doesn't explain how you know literally any of this. I've never seen you study once in the entire time that I've known you. All you do is curse at people and lose your shoes."

"Hey!" Kit gasped. "I'll have you know that I also fuck people up. Honestly, Izuku. This is just fan behavior. Don't be sour because I'm talented and some people... aren't." Kit gave Izuku a pointed look, and the green-haired boy looked quite affronted. Kit leaned back into his boyfriend, smug. 

Izuku rolled his eyes at him. How their relationship had devolved into this, Kit wasn't sure. He heard Tenya heave a sigh at their banter. They were once again in Chad's hospital room, waiting for Tensei and Hawks to show up. Rei had decided upon staying at the Midoriya household and now spent her days making aesthetically pleasing social media posts and announcements, as well as roasting people on twitter. No one was sure why she was so good at it but Kit suspected a mixture of spite and years upon years of free time to come up with comebacks. 

"We're in a hospital, you two. Please behave yourselves before we're kicked out again." Tenya sighed. Anytime Chad went too long without ample brain activity Kit and Izuku would barricade the door and blast his designated playlist and blast it until they were satisfied with the amount of spikes they got. The doctors would eventually fight their way in and have security drag them out. It was humiliating, but apparently necessary according to Kit. 

"I'll bribe them." Kit shrugged. Izuku nodded in agreement. Tenya just patted his boyfriend's head like the brunette was some sort of rebellious house cat. He would lecture him about the issues bribing brought on moralistically but he'd already given it about seven times now and if it hadn't stuck then, Tenya wasn't sure it would now either. He was starting to figure out that if Kit didn't pick up after five talking-tos he wasn't going to at all.

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