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My mom and Olivia said at the exact moment.

Even the officer had a shocked look on his face..

Officer- Alright..umm Take her to the hospital now she should have been outta here by now.

I went back onto the ambulance and we we're just sitting in silence for what felt like forever till we arrived.

We got off the ambulance and walked into the hospital. As soon as we walked in a nurse shows us to a room.

Nurse- I'll be right back.

Mom- You aren't taking off the charges.

Y/N- YES I am. Cause it's MY choice.

Olivia- Y/n I'm sorry but I have to agree with ur mom here... You could've died if he kept on beating you.

Mom-Imagine how it would be on us? On me! I can't lose you and ur fath-

Y/N- Well guess what guys I'm still here. It's my fault he beat me . I'm the one who cheated on him with someone else.

Mom- Don't go their .Even if you did cheat he shouldn't have beat you up like he did.

Olivia- May i-

Right when olivia was about to say something the nurse walked in.

Nurse- Alright I'm sorry but I'm gonna need the rest of you all to leave out the room for a minute. I'm just gonna have a word with ms.y/n .

Mom- Yes of course.

I watched olivia and my mom walk out the room together. An the door close shut.

Nurse- Ready to begin?

Y/N- Mhm

Nurse- We are going to start with sum simple question okay?

Y/N- Yup.

Nurse- Alright.. Who are you?

Y/n- I am y/n y/l/n and I am 16 years old.

Nurse- Okay. Do you know why ur here?

Y/n- Because Me and my boyfriend got into a altercation?

Nurse- Mhm.. What is his name?

Y/n- Mattia Polibio

Nurse- Alright well as required we must  know If you are or are not gonna press charges against Mr.Polibio.


Y/n- N- No. I don't wanna press charges against him.

Nurse- Why?

Y/N- I'm sorry? Her question caught me off guard.

Nurse- I've been working here in this division for over a year now. And all I hear when I ask this question is No And to be honest with you I'm genuinely curious on to why they never decided to press charges.

Y/n- Everyone will always have their own reason on why they decided to not press charges.  But see...Their like a drug per say. Even if you with it once it can become a addicting. Till the point where you pass out BECAUSE of that drug but your just so addicted to it you just know that ur loving every minute of it even if you may be in pain after.

Nurse- I see... Thank you.

Y/N-.. Ya of course.

Nurse- Hang on I'll be right back. I'm gonna bring ur family back in okay?

Y/n- Ya that's fine

I seen olivia walk back into the room but my mom did not.

Y/n-Where's my mom?

Olivia- I told her I needed to talk to you privately for a min.

Y/n- Okay ya what's wrong?

Olivia- You can't let Mattia out.

Y/n- Why? I've already dropped the charges? I'm just waiting nurse to come back and give me the Ok.?


Y/n- What are you talking about?!

Olivia- Mattia Told me and kio to stay away from you or else. This mother fuck came to my house, my brothers soccer games after I told you this at the skate park. Kio even said he feels like he's being watched!

Y/n- I won't let him do that this time. I swear by it.

Olivia- But can you promise me that?!

Y/n-.... I said I'll make sure if it.

Olivia had tears in her eyes.

The door opened the nurse and my mom walked back in.An olivia ran out of the room.

Y/n- OLIVIA wait please!

Nurse- Alright umm well since you are still under age and due to the. Curcome stances.

Mom- Your not allowed to drop the charges without a parental consent.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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