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The song is unrelated but it's been playing in My head ALL week. So I dicided to included it :)

Mattia said I had to go to his house.. but I'm not going without a fight.

~•~•~•~•~Y/n POV~•~•~•~•~•

It was our last class of the day. Who would have known that out of all the things I expected to happen to day. Making a escape. wasn't one of them.

It was our last class of the day I was scared, exited, mostly scared.


The sound I have been waiting all day to hear as a signal to MAKE.A.RUN.FOR.IT.

~•~•~•~•~•~• Olivia's POV~•~•~•~•~•~•

I heard the Bell Ring
it was go Time.

I saw y/n walk out her class so I had to move FAST.


Mattia-oh Hi .

Olivia-So did you get the science h.w?

Mattia- ya why?

Olivia-GREAT can I copy it?

Mattia- here. Give it back to me in the morning.


~•~•~•~•~•~•3rd person~•~•~•~•~•~
Before Olivia could even finish her sentence he was gone.

[Olivia's mind]

CODE RED CODE RED DISTRACTING MATTIA PARTY HAS OFFICIAL BEEN BAMBOOZLED 😞 ooooh ya we are defininely going to get it on Tuesday just wai-

OoOoOoOoOoooOo is that?...KIO!!! I'm gonna ask him if he wants to walk home together.

•~•~•~•~•~•Y/n POV~•~•~•~•~•~

I was about to walk out of the school zone when someone tapped me on the shoulder I thought it was olivia soo I said Hey Thanks for-


Y/n- b-But where is Olivia?

Mattia- she still at school.

Y/n- OH. Ya right silly me 🌚

Mattia-ya for a second there I thought you were about to leave!!!

Y/n- why would I do ThAt.

Mattia then put his arm around me

Mattia- why don't we go to the park first?

I was thinking about it and then it hit me YA I COULD LOSE HIM THERE AND JUST MAKE MY WAY HOME!!!

Y/n- actually why not?

Mattia and I took the turn and we're walking in the park. Right then I seen the Ice cream truck coming by. I knew it was now or never.

Y/n- mattia can you buy me an ice cream plz?

Mattia- ofc I can what flavor do you want?

Y/n- chocolate please.

Mattia- ya ofc I'll be right back.

As soon as he was far enough. I grabbed my stuff and RAN.

I heard him shout out my name a couple of times but I never looked back. I started to slow down a bit after a while.

I honestly don't know where I am. I'm Lost.

I kept looking around.And I called my mom I didn't want to worrie her so I told her I was having a lil sleep over and i forget to tell her about.

She said it was fine as long as I come call her every now and then so she knows I'm fine.


I looked at my phone it was from Mattia. I really didn't want to open it but I was lost so I had too. And I only have a little bit of serves here. So I'd take the help I could get.
I was creeped out when I seen what he wrote.

Mattia- so u think you can run from me? 5:07 opened.

Mattia-U made me look retarded!!!
5:08 opened.

Mattia- but it's okay.... 5:08 opened.

Mattia- I found you anyways. ☺️
Just now.

I started to look around. Does he really see me?


I was scared I didn't want to look. Mattia is my bully WTF is he on!!!

Y/n-mattia I'll do anything for you just leave me ALONE I shouted.

Mattia-you promise?

I jumped I didn't expect him to reply.

Y/n-mattia if you need HELP. I can help you find it.

Mattia came from behind me. I felt it. I turned around and seen him coming closer to me.

Mattia- So you think I'M MENTAL?!? YOU THINK I NEED HELP?

Y/n-NO i-

Mattia- that's what it seems like ur implying!.

Y/n- Mattia is swear I'd didn't mean it that way.

He just kept getting closer and closer to me. I just kept backing up out of fear until I hit the Rock.

I don't remember anything after that.

I blacked out.


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