Chapter 23

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Personally, I am really freaking super excited about this chapter, but let me know what you think at the end of the chapter!

stay safe!

Marylinde stared at herself in the mirror. The skin around her eye was slightly irritated after wiping off her eyeliner at least four times. It just wouldn't cooperate. One had been wobbly, one had been too thick, one too long, one angled the wrong way, it just wouldn't go on the way she wanted it to. Eventually, she decided on just a line above her eyes, no wing and a bit of mascara. It had been a challenge right from the start as Marylinde had never really tried the winged eyeliner, but she deemed this the right moment to try but decided to practice later. For now, this was good enough. Plus, it wasn't a date or anything. They would just be hanging out.

Though trying to convince herself of that fact, Marylinde had dressed up as if it was for a date. The dress she was wearing was hugging her bosom but laid loosely around her hips and thighs. Her hair laid over her shoulders and her make up was simple, but elegant. The silver jewellery finished the look.

When she stepped out of the restrooms, she ran into Gianluca and Arthur immediately.

"What on earth has happened to you?!" Arthur breathed, but yelped when he was poked between the ribs by his friend. "Ow!"

"You look beautiful Mary." Marylinde pouted.

"Honestly, why did we get stuck with Arthur and not you." Marylinde set a step forward to pinch Gianluca's cheek, but he saw it coming and stepped back simultaneously.

"I guess that's why." Arthur laughed. "But I do have to agree, you look very fine." The annoyed frown on Marylinde's face due to the first comment quickly dropped and was replaced by a soft smile. "What are you up to?"

"Just hanging out with someone." Two brains started churning on who it could possibly be. After all, Marylinde didn't dress up when she was about to hang out with them. Marylinde looked at her watch. "I should go, he should arrive at any moment." Before either boy could ask anything else, Marylinde made a beeline for the exit.

As she had expected, Pierre was already there. He was leaning against the car as he scrolled through something on his phone. He was wearing a light blue sweater with some dark jeans, sunglasses shielding his eyes.

"Oh really?" Marylinde stopped dead in her tracks, halfway through the parking lot. Arthur had said it so loud, Pierre had heard it as well and was trying to contain his laughter. "Just hanging out huh?" This time, there was no indication that someone had tried to stop him from saying that, or told him it was not the right moment to say it.

Pierre and Marylinde locked eyes and Pierre tapped the roof of his car twice. Marylinde nodded ever so slightly, hearing footsteps near her. She was going to make a run for the car, hop in and Pierre would drive away. At least, she thought Pierre was trying to communicate that towards her. With a grin on her face, Marylinde started to jog to the car, opened the door to the passenger's seat and got in.

"Ready?" Pierre had a laugh on his face as he looked at Marylinde who sported the same mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Ready." Pierre revved the engine and then quickly left the parking lot, leaving Arthur standing there, at the same spot Marylinde had come to a halt just before. "He's going to bug me about this tonight." Marylinde laughed. For now, she didn't mind.

"Well, we better make the best out of it so it will be worth it." Marylinde smiled.

"I'm not worried about that. So what were your plans for hanging out."

"I thought we could just have some fun. I brought some foods so we can drop the car wherever we like and have a picnic, talk for a bit and then do something fun?" Marylinde nodded at what Pierre suggested.

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