Chapter 1

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Bri's POV

School sucks. That's what most teenagers might think, but I don't. Ever since I stopped reading I've got more school time in and realized it's actually awesome. I know what you might be thinking, have you hit your head on something? No. I mean school might be a little boring but I need something to concentrate on. If I'm not concentrating on work I think about Livvy but I'm trying to forget.

It's been two years since Livvy died and it's all my fault. I'm the one who took her with me into the book. I'm the one who let her out of my sight. I'm the one who didn't warn her in time.

I'm walking down radisson street back from school already starting my homework in my book when my friend, Jessica walks up to me.

"Hey Bri," she says to me.

I wave back, not looking up from my homework.

Jessica was my friend before Livvy died but we came closer after. It was annoying at first, having Jessica around when I wanted to be alone but after a while I actually came to liking her. You could say she was pretty if she wasn't always caked in makeup. Some people at school say we look alike but other then our long blonde hair and light green eyes I don't see it.

"How about you put down that homework and come get some ice cream with me?"

I look up and ask, "are you paying?"

She laughs and nods.


I'm greeted at home by my kitten, Whiskers. I pick her up and she runs her head into my neck which makes me squeal because of how cute she is.

"Hey honey''

I look up to see my dad standing in front of me smiling. I pull Whiskers closer to my chest and walk past my dad up to my room. What the hell is he doing here? I walk into my room and see my mom sitting on my bed.


"I already saw him," I interrupt her.

She nods and leaves my room. My mom has understood that I need space which makes her a great parent and I'm thankful for that. My dad on the other hand has not left me alone once. He hasn't spoken to either me or my mom in three years so why does he have to bug me now?

I sit at my computer and log into Twitter scrolling through my news feed when I notice something. Daughter of War sequel is coming out tomorrow! Can't wait!

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