Chapter 16

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Bri's POV

I wake up in a familiar white room. Looking around, I realize I'm in a hospital again.

There's a paper on the table near my bed and I grab it. On the sheet is a picture of my brain. I turn the paper over and read it. What the hell? I have surgery today?

I start panicking. "Mom!" I yell. I keep screaming her name until a nurse appears. Her eyes widen and she quickly runs out of the room. "Mom!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

The nurse comes back, but this time with a few doctors. "It's okay," she says. "You'll see your mom soon." After she says that, one of the doctors puts something over my mouth and I scream and hit at him. I start to weaken then I black out.

Jessica's POV

It's been three months since Bri got her surgery, since I left Kai. Bri hasn't been aloud visitors other then her family so I haven't seen her. Her mom called me after Bri woke up and told me she has amnesia and probably won't remember anything from the last two years.

She won't remember me. My only friend isn't going to remember me. I could go back to Lauren but she probably hates me for leaving her. When we were friends, me and her would stalk Livvy and Bri. We always wanted to be like them, to be their friends. I reached my goal and became Bris friend after Livvys death. But now, I'm back at the bottom.

Bri is supposed to be aloud visitors tomorrow. Kai probably would have wanted me to go but he's not here so I'm not going.

Why does my life have to suck. I lost my best friend, I lost my amazing boyfriend. Of course, I could re-read the Daughter of War duology but everything would reset. Kai wouldn't remember me.


The next morning I'm woken up by my mom. She's wearing her coat and shoes and holding mine. "What do you want?" I groan, pulling my blanket over my head.

"We're going to visit Bri!" She answers.

"I already told you. I'm not going."

She pulls the blankets off of me. "And I told you that you have to. She's your best friend."

"She's not going to remember me," I say, starting to tear up. Here we go again with the crying.

My moms smile fades. "Then you reintroduce yourself. It'll be like making a new friend."

"I don't want a new friend! I want Bri." I know im starting to act like a baby but I don't care. I'm not going.

"Be ready in ten minutes," she says, giving me the look that means she's being serious and she knows I'm afraid of.

Seventeen minutes later I'm ready. I walk down the stairs and am greeted by my mom who's sitting by the front door, impatiently. "I said ten minutes."

I raise my eyebrows. "You know I can't shower, dry off, do my makeup, straighten my hair, brush my teeth and find clean and nice clothes in ten minutes. Be happy that I did it under two hours."

She gives me an unhappy look and we leave to the hospital, arriving thirty minutes later.

"We're here to see Brianna Foster," my mom says with a smile to the woman sitting at the front desk.

"Room thirty-five."

I run down the hallway to find room thirty-five. I didn't want to come but now that I'm here I'm kind of exited to see Bri.

I find her room and burst in. She screams. "It's alright! I'm sorry."

She stops screaming and looks at me. "Who are you?" She asks.

Just as I thought. She doesn't remember me. My eyes start to water but I blink away the tears. "I'm Jessica."

"What are you doing in my room?"

My mom doesn't come in so I guess she's probably waiting for me in the hallway. "Um. I'm your best friend."

"Livvy's my best friend..."

Nobody told her. Nobody told her that her best friend is dead. Should I? "You just don't remember me."

"Oh. I'm sorry. My mom told me that I would forget things. How about we start over?" She asks.

I nod. "Hi. I'm Jessica."

"Hi. I'm Brianna. You can call me Bri, can I call you Jessie?"


So that was the end of this duology! I kind of suck at endings but oh well. I really enjoyed writing these books and I hope you enjoyed reading them (:
I'm hopefully going to start writing a new series soon so stay tuned. ;)

break (escape, #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant