Chapter 2

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Bri's POV

I stay up most of the night thinking about the Daughter of War sequel. Do I want it? Sometimes I think that I do but sometimes I don't. It's where Livvy died.


I wake up to my cell phone ringing. I grab it but answer it to late. Fifteen missed calls and three text messages. I look at the time and jump out of bed, running to the shower. 10:35 AM. I'm late for school.

Once I get out of the shower I check my texts.
9:35 Jessica: Where are you?
10:00 Jessica: Answer the phone!
10:35 Mom: The principal called... Why aren't you at school?


"Where have you been?" Jessica says to me as I sit down beside her.

I'm about to answer her but the science teacher, Mr. Jenner, shushes us. I look over at Jessica, giving her an apologetic look.


Me and Jessica are walking home from school when she says out of nowhere, "do you remember why you and Livvy were in the coma? Or what happened?"

I freeze and look at her. I thought we've stopped talking about this. "No," I lie.

She apologizes for bringing it up and continues to walk, when we pass the bookstore she stops again. "Hey look at that!" She says pointing to a sign. Daughter of War sequel in stores now. "I loved that book!" She exclaims. "Let's go in and buy a copy!"

I hesitate but then follow her in. Should I get a copy for myself? She grabs one of the books on the stack in the window and starts to walk to the cashier. "Wait," I say, grabbing a copy for myself.

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