Chapter 5

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Jessica's POV

Later that night I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I hop of my bed to answer it and Kai walks in.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey?" I say.

"You shall be my princess," he says, slurring his words.

"What do you mean?" I ask him with a smile. He's obviously been drinking. But maybe that's a good thing... I grab his hand and pull him towards my bed.

Bri's Moms POV

It's 10:07 PM and Brianna still hasn't come home from school. I've called her five times and she hasn't answered. I would have called the police by now but she might be fine she might be with a friend and her phone is dead, but I can't stop from remembering what happened two years ago when I found her and Olivia in Brianna's room in a coma. Who could she be with? Maybe Jessica? Jessica has been the only person Brianna has really hung out with since Livvy, so she's probably my best guess.

I walk into the kitchen and grab the phone and address book and dial Jessica's parents.

Her mother picks up after four rings.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hi! It's Brianna's mom, Christina. Is Brianna there? I haven't talked to her since before school," I tell her.

"Yes she is. She came over after school. I thought she talked to you already. I'm pretty sure she's staying the night."

"Oh! Well could I talk to her? I've tried her cell but I think it may be dead."

"One minute."

"Hello?" Brianna says into the phone two minutes later.

"Why haven't you called me? I've been so worried!" I almost shout into the phone.

"I'm so sorry! My phones been dead! I would have called on their house phone but we've been... watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix."

"Please remember to call me next time!"

"Alright mom, I've got to to go. It's getting to the juicy part."

"Alright. Bye, I love you."

"I love you too," she says before hanging up.

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