Chapter 15

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Bri's POV

I'm walking down the hallway of the castle when I see the two maids that attacked me standing by a doorway talking.

Quietly, I get as close as I can to them and listen to what they're saying.

"...know. Have you seen Elizabeths nose?" One of the maids say.

"Yea! Do you think the princess did it?"

Before the other maid can say anything I walk into their view and smile at them. "I did, and I think you're going to be next."

The first maid pulls a dagger out of her sock and starts to run towards me. I pull out my own dagger and throw it as hard as I can at her. She dodges it and it lands in the second maids chest. The second maid groans before falling to the ground and the first maid turns around to see her. While she's distracted, I pull out my sword, walk quietly up to her and swing hard at her neck, sending her head flying. I cringe at the sight of her headless, limp body on the ground.

I walk over to her head which is slowly rolling away from me. I'm about to cover it up when some people come running down the hall screaming.

"What's wrong?" I ask one of the people.

"Dwarves..." He begins. "What happened?" He asks, his eyes wide.

I look down at the head. "Dwarves," I lie.

The mans eyes widen and he turns to the people behind him. "We have to hide," he says.

Right when they start to run again three dwarves round the corner. They each pull out a bow and shoot arrows into the crowd of people. I turn to run but when I turn around the dwarf leader is standing before me, smiling. "You never came back," he says. "Are you going to tell us or not?"

I'm going to surrender when I remember about the dagger I have tucked away in my boot. As fast as he can blink, I pull the dagger out of my boot and put it into his thigh. He cries out in pain and an arrow shoots past my head. I spin around to face the three dwarves at the end of the hallway. Suddenly, another arrow shoots past my head, but Tom the other direction, hitting the middle dwarf in the chest. I duck down on the floor, worried that I'll be shot in the head, when two more arrows fly past, hitting the last two dwarves.

"Bri!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me. Jessica?

Jessica's POV

Bri turns around and stands up. "Jessica? How the hell did you get back?"

I push a strand of hair out of my eyes, putting it behind my ear. "You don't feel a connection?" I ask, not knowing what else to say.

"I think I've been to busy to notice it I did," she says looking at all the bodies on the ground. I see a familiar blonde dwarf move.

"He's not dead." I pull out an arrow.

"I want to do it," Bri says. I hand her my bow and an arrow. "For killing Livvy."

I remember now. He was there in the field. He put that sword through Livvy...

The dwarf begins to say something but Bri stops him by putting an arrow through his throat. She hands me back the bow. "So where are we heading?"

"We're going to find Kai then we're going home."

"No. Remember what happened last time you went to see Kai?" She looks at me angrily.

"I just want to say goodbye..." Before I can finish she disappears, probably left to the real world on her own. "I'm still going to him," I mutter to her, even though she can't hear me.

I find Kai five minutes later in one of the four towers surrounding the castle, shooting dwarves with his bow in the fields below. I tap his shoulder and he spins around pointing an arrow at me and I cry out in surprise. "I'm sorry," he says, lowering his bow.

"It's fine," I answer. "I'm leaving now..." This is it. This is the last time I'm going to be seeing him.

Kai pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you," I whisper into his neck.

"I'll miss you too."

He pulls away and looks into my eyes. I notice he keeps looking at my lips. Not being able to take it anymore, I smash my lips into his. He gasps in surprise. Finally after a few minutes of kissing--making out--I pull away.

"Bye Kai." And with that, I leave back into the real world.

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