Chapter 14

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Bri's POV

I sit in my room at the castle, thinking about the dwarves, when I hear somebody talking outside. Quietly, I tiptoe to the door and gently lean against the door to listen.

"I hear the elves are aiding the dwarves in war," a mans voice says.

"I heard that some of our men have gone to seek help with the wolf people," a woman's voice says.

War? Wolf people?

The people's voices start to fade and I press my ear harder against the door to try and hear them but the door flys open and I fall out into the hall.

The man and woman spin around and stare at me. I get up and quickly run back into my room.

There is a war going on between humans and dwarves.

Once I lay down on my bed there's a knock at the door and I groan in annoyance. I'm about to get up but the door opens and the queen --my fictional mother-- steps in.

"I'm guessing that you've heard rumours about a war," she says, sitting down on my bed. "The rumours are true. There is a war swelling between the humans and the dwarves. We have help now. The wolf people have agreed to help. They have a very long and very bad history with the elves; who are aiding he dwarves." She waits for me to say something but I don't reply. "They're coming at sunlight tomorrow. Be ready."

Jessica's POV

I'm walking down the street with Kai when I feel something weird in my stomach.

"Are you alright?" Kai asks once he notices I've stopped walking.

"Give me your bag," I tell him.

He takes the school bag I bought him off of his back and hands it over to me. Looking through it I find some new clothes we bought and at the bottom, Daughter of War Book 2.

I look at him right in the eyes. "Why do you have this?" Kai shrugs and doesn't answer. "I think the connection is back," I say when the strange feeling in my stomach comes back.


We get to my house ten minutes later. My moms car is not in the driveway so I take Kai in through the front door.

I push the door of my bedroom open and sit on my bed. "I'm going in to help Bri. You're staying here."

"Why am I staying?" He asks. "I want to help."

"Because... I don't want to lose you. I'm afraid that if you go in you won't be able do come back out."

"Jess... I can't stay here," he says. My eyes start to tear up. Why not? "I have no home here. No money, nobody I know except for you."

"Exactly. I'm here."

"Jess.." He begins, but not wanting to hear anymore I grab the book, open to the page we were on and read.

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