Chapter 4

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Bri's POV

I wake up in a small bottom bunk of a wooden cottage. I look to my left and see two more bunks on each side of a door. I get out of bed and somebody kicks me in the neck. I spin around to see Jessica laughing.

Jessica hops of the bed and walks out the door so I follow.

"We're still in Orea," she tells me.

Orea is the town that we were making our way to when Livvy died, which means Kai is here. I run down the hallway and out the front door, the smell of coal makes me gag.

I look down the street and see miners walking down the street. This is not Orea, this is the castle. Well actually we're outside of the castle in an area with temporary lodges. The castle is still destroyed and burnt from the dragon attack but it's being constructed.

Kai's POV

I sit inside the throne room, recovering paintings that have been torn from the walls during the attack of the dragons, when somebody taps my shoulder. I turn my head and see Brianna.

"You are awake!" I say to her.

She nods and hugs me which surprises me.

Behind her stands a girl with golden blonde hair smiling. Brianna notices me looking at her and frowns. Jealousy?

"Kai, this is Jess- I mean Adelyn," Brianna says.

"Hello, Adelyn," I say to her.

Adelyn smiles and waves at me and Brianna's eyes flash with anger. I look at her questioningly and she immediately puts on a fake smile.

"So... What are you doing?" Brianna asks me.

"The King is getting the castle rebuilt."

Bri's POV

The King is still alive? The king is basically my dad in this world and is a hundred times better then my real one.

"What about the queen?" I ask Kai.

"She was injured badly, she's still recovering from the burns," he answers.


"Follow me," the King says to me.

I follow him down one of the halls on the far end of the castle that wasn't destroyed. He opens the fifth door on the left and we walk in.

The room is huge and I mean it. The size of this room would probably be the size of my house in the real world. At the far end, underneath the window is a bed the size of an elephant. The wall to my left has a mirror taking it up with a wardrobe and a vanity. The wall to my right is taken up by a bookshelf.

"Wow," I say as the King leaves the room.

I walk to the mirror and stare at myself for a while thinking why Kai wouldn't want me, I mean not to be self-absorbed or anything, but I am pretty. I have no acne, no scars, my eyebrows are perfect.

I'm about to go lay down when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out.

Elizabeth walks into my room with a smile on her face. "Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth was one of the queens maids but is now our trainer due to Claire's death. She's also the only person other then Jessica and Livvy to know about my ability.

"Hello," she says hugging me. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in Orea."

"You know..." I begin but then ask myself, does she know I'm not the real Princess Brianna? "You remember what we talked about before, right?"

She looks confused and then says, "yes I do. I could tell you apart from the princess in seconds," she says with a disgusted face.

I laugh and we walk out of my room and into the new dining room which is smaller then the other but way more elegant. Sitting at the table beside each other are Jessica and Kai laughing. Jealousy shoots through me. Do I like Kai?

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