Chapter 7

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Bri's POV

I grab the chair from the corner of the luxurious bedroom and smash the window sending shards of glass flying. Once I pick the chair back up I throw it at the mirror taking up one of the walls. I then quickly grab the chair and put it near the table so it doesn't look like the chair was used. I grab a piece of glass from the shattered mirror and put it against my cheek. Counting to three I pull down, leaving a gash across the side of my face, at first feeling nothing but then pain takes over and I scream loudly.

I'm sitting beside the shattered window when a few guards, Kai and Jessica come running in.

Jessica comes running towards me. "What the hall happened?" She asks, ripping the dress she's wearing and putting the piece against my cut.

"Dwarves..." I trail off, feeling like I'm going to faint from blood loss.

"Somebody help her!" I hear somebody say before my vision goes black.


I wake up in a bedroom which I'm guessing might be my new one due to the damage, with a damp cloth across my forehead and something covering the gash on my face.

Panic takes over me. The cut is probably going to be there in the real world too. Just like when Livvy died. Why did I have to think about Livvy now? Wishing I had homework to do, I grab the closest thing I can reach, which is an extra cloth, and start to fiddle with it.

I did this to my face... for a guy. I'm so stupid. Where is everybody anyway? Shouldn't they be paying attention to if I die? I climb out of bed and leave the room in search of another person. Ten minutes later I find Jessica in the dining room with Kai sitting across from her.

"I need to talk to you," I say tapping her shoulder.

"You're awake!" She says, before getting up and following me into the hall.

"We need to leave."

"What? Why?"

"Because of the dwarves." I hope I didn't do this to my face for nothing.


"Please," I interrupt her.


"Will you lock the book so I know you won't come back?" I ask.

She stares at me for a minute, thinking. "Alright."


Jessica's POV

I knock on Kai's door but there's no answer. I knock six more times before I give up and decide to look somewhere else.

I find him later in the throne room working on the wall.

"Hey," he says, hugging me.

"I'm leaving," I blurt out.

He stares at me. "What?"

"Me and Brianna, we're leaving."

"To where?"

"To.. Um," I have no idea how to put this. "California."

"Where is that," he asks, confused.

"It's in.. the real world?"

He just stares at me. I don't want it to end this way but I'm just going to leave the book now and lock it so we can't come back. I need to think of Bri to bring her unless it won't work but I can't stop thinking of Kai.

Well, here it goes. A few seconds later I'm back on my bed but there's somebody new in here. Kai. This isn't happening. I look over on the other side of the bed and see Bri still sleeping.

I try going back into the book but I can't. I already locked it.

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