🍋Second episode🍋

650 16 6

(Zane's Thoughts)

I had arrived with my father and mother in the meeting room and we were all waiting to see who the new leader would be.

The one we expected would have power and authority! He would be the leader of all the Mafia leaders.

All of us leaders were sitting in the chairs of the room while our teams were sitting behind us so that nothing bad would happen to us. You never know.

Of course, in addition to me, my parents, who were former leaders, also sat in a chair. Because again they have to be informed as leaders.

At one point, it was as if I was hearing heels coming into the room.
At first I thought it was an employee / cleaner who was coming but as soon as the doors opened ...

It was a huge gang of mobsters and in the middle it was her.

The same girl who was talking to my father at the entrance.

But this time she was much more impressively dressed!

She wore a black dress which matched it with black classic heels.

Most of the mafia women wore dresses but hers seemed to be made for her!

Very impressive!

Of course I was waiting to see which man of the team was my new leader.

We all got up to welcome our new leader.

To my surprise and many other leaders but not all, the girl sat in our leader's chair and it made sense for all of us to sit down again.

I could not believe it as it was the first time I saw a female leader. How much more a female leader of the leaders.


But who is she and how did she happen to be our leader?

All I know so far is that before she had a smile and seemed indifferent while now she is serious and professional.


For us in the mafia, devaluation is an insult...

When I find time I will apologize to her in person and maybe get to know her better.

But now I have to listen to what is happening.

(Stormy's angle of view)

Hello everyone!

For those who do not know me, my name is Stormy Fernandez and I am your new leader.

(The American mafia leader) This is not happening. A woman cannot be the leader of the leaders in the mafia.

(Mr. Alexander Moretti) Watch who you underestimate Cole...

(The American mafia leader) Did you know that our new leader would be a woman?

(Mr. Alexander Moretti) Of course I knew it like many others in here!

(Russian mafia leader) Of course some of you here did not know that Fernandez had a daughter because the less we knew the better!!!

S: Listen to me please!
You do not have to worry about anything ... my father made sure to train me properly for this position. Also, since he left it to me as a legacy, I will not hesitate to honor him!

At that moment I heard someone whispering ..

He was the leader of the French mafia and he said: Quelqu'un se moque de moi.

***Someone is joking with me.***

And I answered him directly: Si vous voulez dire quelque chose, vous n'avez pas besoin de chuchoter!

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