🍓13th episode🍓

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Zane: Are you ok?

Stormy: Yes thank you.

We went to the dining room where the others were waiting.

They were discussing something,
I sat in a chair and listened to them.

Giovanni: We will call her today.

Antonio: Yes, but what what we will say to the black cobra? What will be her place in the mission?

Stormy: We will put her in an attacking position.

As soon as I said that, Zane and Giovanni looked at me and then looked at each other.

I am not stupid. I realized that they suspect that I am the Black Cobra.

Now they wonder.

Xavier: I agree with Stormy. If there is anyone who can deal with so many people, that person is the black cobra.

Alberto: Yes, but she will also need help.

Stormy: I do not think so. She is quite capable of doing it on her own.

Zane: I could help her.

Carmen: Very dangerous. As a leader you will stay out. Instead, Stormy will help her.

Zane: No way.

Giovanni: Sounds like a good idea to me.

Giovanni whispered something in Zane's ear.

Zane: We'll see. Nothing is certain yet.

Mr. Alexander Moretti: I know she likes to work alone. So I do not think she wanted anyone to get involved in her legs.

Zane: Dad, but what are the rest of us going to do?

Note: Zane's father knows I'm the Black Cobra.

Mr. Alexander Moretti: We will be the defense. To enter the building the Black Cobra must have a free field.
Shooters will arrange the terrace and balconies.
Hackers will block all cameras.
Stormy will be hidden outside in case she needs to come in, although I don't think so.
You, Zane, will be here at the control center and will contact the others to see how the mission is going.

Zane: WHAT? Ma stai scherzando?
***Are you kidding me?***

Mr. Alexander Moretti: When the Black Cobra is over, Alberto and Xavier will blow up the hideout.
And Antonio and Mara will be waiting in the cars to get out of there. The black cobra will have logically gone by herself.

Stormy: Very good plan.

Zane: What will the other mafias do?

Kiara: Everyone will be in their respective position. If someone escapes, which I do not think so, they will have surrounded the whole building.

Giovanni: Okay.

Stormy's mom: The food is ready...

Carmen: Just in time

Xavier: It smells awesome!

Zane's mom: Bon appetit to all of you!

All of us: Bon appetit!

We started eating and after a while the girls and I went for a walk. Basically, me with Carmen and Laura because the others were boring.

Carmen: I think the plan is pretty good.

Laura: Indeed. But I think you will need help.

Stormy: You're right. They are both Germans and Norwegians. So I will bring an old friend with me.

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