Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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Althea pulled the sheet corners over the bed, then the comforter. She placed the soft pillows as neatly as she could on top and started toward the washroom. Her foot caught on something and she lost her center of gravity, landing face first with a thud.

A chuckle erupted from the other side of the room, startling Althea. Her cheeks burned as she pushed herself off the ground.

"What are you doing in my courtiers, girl?" A smooth voice said.

She stood up, smoothing her clothes. A young man with raven black hair and pale skin leaned against the doorframe. He had bright green eyes that sparkled in a way Althea didn't understand. His lips were curled in a smirk and his glowing eyes fixated on her. Althea held her breath.

"I'll ask again. What are you doing in my courtiers?" He punctuated each word with precision as he stalked toward her.

He was a foot or so a way, towering over her.

"I... Sir... Your Majesty..." She stammered."House keeping?" Her voice rang with a fear that made it sound like a question.

A small laugh left his lips.

"I see. You must be the new servant girl." He examined the clothes draped over her body.

She bit her lip.

"It's common knowlege that I don't like it when other people touch my things. I'm fine to tidy up on my own. However, I'm sure my slob of a brother would love your help." His words were matter of fact.

She narrowed her eyes. Her feelings of shame were overpowered by the annoyance she felt toward his arrogance.

"I suppose the other servants thought they'd play a joke on you." He laughed to himself.

She raised an eyebrow. His curious eyes met hers, amused by her embarrassment. She clenched her fists, attempting to suppress the frustration boiling up inside her.

"At least you learned something, dear." He said as if he was reassuring a child.

It reminded her of how people treated her at after her parent's died. They treated her like she was helpless.

"You're free to go." He strode to the washroom absent mindedly, like she'd never been there at all.

She exhaled deeply, trying to calm her nerves. She hadn't realized her heart was racing, but the throbbing rang clear in her ears. Her face felt so warm and her cheeks were flushed. She stood there for a moment to gather herself.

"Are you going to leave or not?"

Althea nearly jumped out of her skin. He was leaning against the washroom door frame. She sent him a glare, but he didn't notice. Instead, his vibrant eyes traced over her body.

"Yes sir... Erm... Your Majesty. Right away." She rushed to the door.

She was so flustered she could barely see infront of her. Her heart beat was all she could hear. Her feet moved fast, but her mission was interrupted by a hard surface crashing into her. She felt large hands rest on her shoulders and she backed away. Looking up she saw the same man that was... She blinked not believing it. She looked back seeing the man in the door frame disappear into thin air. She gaped at the empty space where he once was.

"I didn't catch your name, dear."

Her head shot back to him. She stared at him in utter shock. He smirked as if to demean her. Her eyes were wide with frustration. She clenched her fists, trying to resist the urge to punch the smug expression off his face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think my little trick would scare you that much." He laughed.

She shook his hands off her and glared at him.

"What is your problem?"

"I'd just like to know your name, dear." He smiled, clearly amused.

She gritted her teeth. He must have derived some sort of sick pleasure from messing with her head.

"I suppose everyone wants to play tricks on me today." She scoffed and began marching toward the door.

He stepped in front of her. She sent him a look.

"Your majesty," the words burned on her tongue."If you could do me the 'honor' of getting out of my way, I would greatly appreciate it." She said through gritted teeth.

He smirked at her which only furthered her frustration. He stepped out of her way without a fight, to her surprise.

"You haven't told me your name, dear."

"And I won't." She huffed.

"So that's how it's going to be."

She could hear in his voice that a devious smile curled from his lips. She simply tredged on to her other duties.

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