Chapter 17 - Not Equal

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"Would you keep the..." Althea couldn't figure out what to call it.

She refused to call it a necklace.

"Would you keep Skofnung with you for now. I don't know what I want to do with it yet."

"Of course." He grinned.

Althea rolled her eyes at his response.

"I just..."

"You want justice."

Althea didn't respond, but he was right. She wanted Nala and Bjørn to pay for the desecration of her father's sword.

"Thank you for a challenging training session." He filled the silence. "It's not often I find myself bested. I underestimated your wits."

Althea smiled to herself.

"Thank you for the distraction." She sighed.

"I'm happy to distract you any time." He nudged her shoulder.

Althea rolled her eyes at him with a smile pressed to her lips.

"Will you be alright to serve your sister tomorrow?"

Althea's stomach tightened.

"I don't know. Probably not, but I'll get through it." She put her palm to her forehead.

"I could always-" he started.

"I appreciate your help, but slacking off on my duties when things are going poorly isn't going to serve me well in the future when..." She wasn't sure how to say it.

She didn't think it was intentional, but she assumed that to him she was like a shiny new toy. Something to play with until he got bored or found something new. Eventually the fun would run out. She would no longer interest him. Maybe he would even find her absolutely repulsive if he really knew her 'complexities'. Althea predicted their freindship dissipating and she did not want to find herself dependent on him.

"I need to be able to handle things on my own. I can handle things on my own. I just don't want to get too comfortable with the luxuries your friendship provides." She chose her words carefully.

"Why not enjoy it?" He smiled at her.

"I don't want get used to it."

"Get used to it!" He put his arm around her."There's nothing wrong with indulging a little if you can afford to."

"I can't afford to."

"Sure you can!" He gave her a playful squeeze.

"It seems you've forgotten your place." She laughed.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"You're a prince. Royalty. You have the luxury to do as you please. I'm an insignificant servant girl. Remember?"

His arm fell away from her. The nonchalant expression on his face shifted, and he clasped his hands behind his back. With a simple change in his mannerisms they were no longer equals. Though, they never were.

"I wish I could forget." He scratched the back of his neck, laughing it off.

Althea nodded. There was a subtle distance she felt from him. It seemed to crescendo into a wider and wider gap, despite the physical two feet seperating them. Their shoes clicked against the floor and Althea focused on the sound of his footsteps. She memorized the percussion of his heels meeting the floor. The sudden hollowness to their interaction awakened a deep ache in her. A longing to go back to how they were only a few minutes ago, but they were already at her door.

"Thank you." She stepped inside."For..." Their eyes met."For everything."

He nodded.

"I needed this."

"Glad I could help." He gave her gentle smile.

A smile that said he cared. Althea couldn't help herself. She seized him by the waist and wrapped her arms around him. He stumbled back, hitting the wall. He was stiff at first, she could hear his quickening heart beat. He didn't move for a few moments.

It had been a long time since she had indulged in her natural inclination to show physical affection. As a child, she could always be found cuddling up to her sister or mother. It was a hard job to seperate her from the touch of someone she loved, but in training school she was seperated from them for so long she learned to restrain herself. It helped that Calder scolded her for her constant physical affection. Eventually she shoved the instinct into the deepest parts of herself. Tonight she could not hold back. The aching and emptiness she felt was too much. The destruction of her father's prized possession and knowing her parents had not included her in their will left her in tatters.

She felt herself start to sob as the weight of his arms descended upon her. She leaned into him. Into his warmth. She didn't pay mind to the fact that he was seeing her in such a vulnerable state. He'd seen so much of her today already.

The creak of a door caught them by surprise. Althea froze, holding her breath. She stumbled foward as Loki was replaced with the space between herself and the wall.

"Althea?" Eliza said.

Althea wiped her eyes.

"Hey." She forced a smile.

"Where've you been?" Eliza looked her up and down.

Althea was still in her training clothes which were damp from the rain.

"I... It's been a long day." Althea surrendered.

Eliza looked at her with what seemed like concern.

"Your sister keeping you busy?"

"You could say that." Althea laughed through the tears that threatened to spill.

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