Chapter 9 - A Dance Partner

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Althea scrubbed and scrubbed the ballroom floor. The week of celebration was looming upon the castle and entire realm. Only the most civilised and high ranking citizens were invited to the palace. That week, all the realm celebrated Odin's claim to Asguard. Which took him 7 days and 7 nights.

This was the week her sister would come to visit. Since Nala had married a high ranking general, she and her husband were invited to the week of celebration. Two sisters in the same place on opposite sides of the social spectrum, and Nala seemed eager to rub it in her sister's face. Althea knew she could take it, she had been through childhood with her sister. Surely she could get through a week serving her. After all, that's what she did when they were younger.

"Pass me a sponge, Althea?" Eliza asked with a kind smile.

Althea dipped a sponge in the soapy water of her bucket and gave it to Eliza.

"How many people do you think will be dancing here in just a few days?" Eliza sighed longingly.

"I guess we'll find out." Althea shrugged.

"I wish the servants were invited to at least one night of the event." Eliza said.

"It wouldd be nice. I mean we're the ones making it happen." Althea agreed.

"I wouldn't have anything to wear though." Eliza shrugged.

The queen strode into the room holding a clipboard and pen.

"Alright ladies, your uniform fittings have been scheduled. If I call your name you'll come with me. The rest of you keep working until I call for you." The queen anounced.

"Uniforms?" Althea looked at Eliza.

"Oh right. Every year we're given special uniforms to wear during the week. They're just a little nicer than our usual uniforms. More form fitting." Eliza explained.

As of the past few weeks Eliza had been especially kind to Althea. She couldn't help but wonder if it was out of pitty. Regardless, she appreciate the conversations she shared with Eliza.

"Dolia, Amelia, Eliza, Lydia, and Althea, come this way." The queen called.

The girls filed into a line and followed the queen to a dressing room. Black dresses with gold accents hung on a long rack spanning across almost the entire room. The dresses all looked the same and were in a number of different sizes.

"The sizes are smallest to largest. Find what you think your size is, try it on and refer back to me." The queen told them.

"Yes ma'am." The girls went to where their suspected sizes were.

Althea checked the smalls to see if there were any that were tall enough for her. She concluded there were not and opted for a medium. The zipper was so difficult to get up, but Althea was too stubborn to ask for help. She instead decided to take the extra five minutes to get the zipper up. The dress was meant to be form fitting, but it hung loose on Althea. Still, at least it was long enough.

She stood in line behind Amelia while the queen and royal seemstress evaluated the fit of Eliza's dress. The dress lay on her petite body in a very flattering manner. The only thing that needed fixing was shortening the length.

Amelia was then evaluated and it was concluded her dress fit like a glove.

"Hmmm." The seemstress hummed, holding pins in her mouth.

"We'll have to taper the waste." The queen said.

The seemstress nodded and began placing pins in the waste of Althea's dress. When looking in the mirror, Althea couldn't decide if she liked how the dress looked or if it just looked as average on her as everything else. It definitely didn't make her feel particularly confident. It made her feel exposed, revealing her shoulders and showing her curves. The fabric was light and airy. It would be so easy for a weapon to cut through the fabric. She knew the castle was safe, but restricting clothing with no gain in regards to protection was a pet peeve of Althea's.

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