Chapter 18 - Relapse

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Themes of Alcoholism, binging, and sexual trauma. 

Althea shut down. She only spoke when absolutely necessary. Her expression was blank and guarded. Althea could tell Nala felt just as uncomfortable as she did.

She handed Nala the towel she requested.

"Thank you." Nala's smile was forced.

"Anything else, M'lady." She avoided eye contact.

Luckily, Nala sent her off. The discomfort seemed to be too much for the both of them. Dolia was requested for the rest of the day.

As Althea stood in line for her tray, she noticed Dolia and Amelia whispering and occasionally glancing at her. Althea would have been annoyed, but tonight she wasn't anything. She was numb. People would talk. None of it mattered. Althea had nothing left to care about. Not really.

She glided through the crowds of drunkereds and passed out drinks. She avoided her sister and Bjørn at all cost, finding creative ways to steer clear of them.

Althea caught sight of Loki. Their eyes met, but he broke away quickly. Althea wondered if she'd scared him off after what happened the night prior. Maybe he'd stared long enough at the dent in the wall to realize her 'complexities' would be too much for him. Maybe it was her show of affection. Althea brushed it off, crushing her worry deep down. She'd lost so much, it was only a matter of time till she lost him too. Getting it over with now didn't seem like such a bad thing.

Althea returned to the refill station to grab more drinks.

"Where's your master?" Dalia mocked while eyeing the empty couch.

Althea ignored her and put the drinks on the tray herself.

As she made her descent into the crowd, a drunk Bjørn stumbled forward and grabbed her by the waist. There was a crooked yet enthusiastic smile plastered on his face. The sound of laughter and belows enraptured her.

"Yes boys! This is my sister in law! I could marry her off to one of you for the right price."

All the men laughed. Althea felt light headed.

"She's not the prettiest." One man started."but maybe a good sampling could change my mind." He chuckled.

Althea's heart thumped in her ears. Her eyes darted around the room looking for someone, anyone. The men had already grabbed the drinks from her tray.

"How much do you want for the lass?" One man grabbed her.

She dropped her tray in shock. It clanged to the ground as she was pulled towards the gruff man. Things were starting to get bleary until she heard his voice cut through the foggy noise.

"Excuse me." Loki said.

Their heads shot towards him.

"What are you doing harrassing one of our servers?"

They laughed.

"Well you see. These men said they'd pay a hefty price for a wife and since my wife and I inhereted the Gounouf fortune that includes my sister in law here." He drunkenly explained.

"Ah." Loki smiled through gritted teeth."As of now she is under the rule of my family, so you need permission from one of us to marry her off." His eyes met Althea's shocked gaze.

Bjørn laughed.

"Do I have any buyers?"

"You are not permitted to sell." Loki said, approaching the gruff man who was currently holding onto Althea.

Misfits (Loki x Reader) Slow Burn Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora