Chapter 8 - Throwing Blades

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Althea took in a breath, focusing on her target. It was just a tree. She tried to push out the doubts plagueing her mind. The weight of his hands fell on her shoulders.

"Your posture is off." He stated plainly."Relax." He squeezed her shoulders."And put your right foot foward."

His commanding tone made her want to rebel, but her desire to properly throw a knife overruled her natural instinct.

She exhaled and did as he said, sending the blade through her fingers with a forceful thrust of her arm. The knife traveled past the tree and let out pathetic clang as the metal met the ground.

"Well don't break my knife."Loki went to retrieve it.

Althea crossed her arms.

"You're using too much force." He handed her the weapon.

"What else am I supposed to use?" She challenged.

"Just focus on hitting the tree. And relax. You're still too tense." He told her.

She repositioned herself. This time she tried to let the blade simply slip through her fingers. It barely past three feet before landing on the ground in front of the tree.

"That was better." Loki stated.

"What?" She questioned.

"You had better aim that time. Give it just a touch more force and you'll get there."

She retrieved the knife and took her stance again. This time the knife shot out of her hand with all the force she could muster, flying up into the leaves of the tree. The blade hit a branch and fell straight to the ground.

"I said a touch more force." He raised his eyebrows.

"First you said I shouldn't use force, then you said I should use it." She quirked an eyebrow.

"No, no." He raised his index finger in the air."I said you were using too much force, and then you used too little. Your problem is you're dealing in absolutes. Find a force somewhere in the middle." He explained.

Althea groaned and took her stance once again. She took a few moments to swing her arm. She found what she thought was a happy medium of force, then let the blade glide out of her hand. The knife cut through the air and it's path was straight. Just as it was set to lodge itself in the tree, by merely an inch the metal continued to move past it. Althea put a palm to her forehead. She fell to her knees and plopped down on the ground.

"That was almost perfect." Loki shrugged.

Althea groaned in reply.

"Don't be pathetic." He rolled his eyes.

"Sorry. That's out of my control." She crossed her arms.

"No. You're choosing to mope when you know full well this skill takes time. Get up." He challenged her.

Rolling her eyes, she begrudgingly pushed herself off the ground. After
restrieving the knife, she got into position.

"You're doing better than you think." He told her in what seemed like a dry attempt to encourage her.

"It's not good enough." She sent the blade through the air.

This time it bounced off the tree. She glared at the knife on the ground.

"Better." Loki stated.

She glanced at him, then continued staring at the knife as if it were her worst enemy.

"Why are you teaching me this, again?" She sighed.

"You're helping me better my skills as a swordsman. I thought I'd return the favor." He shrugged.

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