Chapter 6 - Swords

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Loki walked with purpose, leading Althea down a myriad of halls and corridors. A few more turns and they were in the armory.

"What is this?"

"I want to see you in your natural environment." He smirked.

She raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to train with me today." He explained.

Her heart nearly lept out of her chest. He laughed to himself, seeming to observe her excitement. She tried to keep her cool. She hadn't held a weapon in months.

"Are you sure? I'm a bit rusty. I doubt I'd be a worthy opponent." She flushed.

"Nonesense." He laughed.

Her ears began to warm from the thought of embarrassing herself.

"I haven't worked with a sword in months. I want to clean up my act on that front. We can re-learn things together." He gave her a reassuring smile and put a hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged.

"Go find yourself some gear." He pointed her to the section of the armory with gear fitted for women."I'll meet you back here."

He walked to a different section of the armory and disappeared. She exhaled. She was nervous, but goodness was she relieved to get out of a dress for the first time in months.

She pulled on a pair of pants and pulled a tight fitting shirt over her head. She laced up the leather knee and shin protection easily. Her chest plate wasn't terrible to work with, but the arm guards were rather difficult. After a few attempts she gave up.

It didn't take her long to get used to the weight of armor again. Though it was very minor armor.

Loki was leaned against a pillar wearing similar gear to her own. He stared off into space.

"Could you help me lace up my arm guards?" She asked.

He seemed to awaken from a trance in response to her words. His eyes caught her for a moment, then trailed over her body. Her cheeks warmed. The servant's dresses were far from figure hugging. The battle armor left a bit less to the imagination, which starkly contrasted her daily wear.

"Of course." He responded.

She offered her wrists.

"How do you feel?" He raised his eyebrows.

She took a moment to ponder the question.


There was a certain comfort she felt in gearing up for battle. A bit of a contradiction, but it was all she really knew.

He smiled, finishing the lacing on her arm guards.

He lead her out to the training court and went to retrieve their swords.

When the hilt was firm in her grasp she felt a sense of completeness. Like she had been missing a piece of her this whole time. She savored the moment, then took her stance.

"Are you ready?" He smirked.

She gave him a playful smile.

"Are you?"

He laughed going for the first swing. Her blade met his with a clang.

"Did you think this would be easy?" She used her body weight to push him back.

"No." He breathed.

He took another strike, aiming for her head. She ducked under it, taking the chance to swing at his knees. Her blade made a mark in his shin guards.

Misfits (Loki x Reader) Slow Burn Where stories live. Discover now