Chapter 2 - Drawing a Bath

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It had been weeks since Althea encountered the mischievous prince. Nonetheless, she still had anxiety when doing work near his courtiers. Everyone was a bit fearful of him. This meant Althea, being the new servant, was to do any chores relating to him. Picking up and dropping off his laundry, dusting the hall near his room, and etcetera.

She carried the newly cleaned laundry in a hand woven basket painted gold. As she approached the lone doorway in the dimly lit haul, she felt the usual acceleration in her pulse that came with the possibility of his presence. She set the basket beside his door gently and then raised her fist to knock on the door. A tedious precedure required of her, just in case he was there. Usually he wasn't. Still, there was always a part of her that was curious to see what would happen if he was. Her knuckles met the door.

"Hello, dear."

Althea clenched her fist and let it fall beside her. She turned around to find him closer than she anticipated. She tried to keep her expression blank.

"You've just caught me. How lucky for you." He smirked.

She suppressed an eye role.

"Your laundry is ready." She motioned with her eyes to the basket beside her.

"How kind of you to deliver it to me." He let his eyes linger on hers for a moment too long before he went to grab the basket.

She noticed the redness of his knuckles, the sweat on his forehead, how he took heavy breaths, the gold helmet tucked under his arm, and the hair that was no longer slicked back, but hanging where it pleased.

"Would you like any help." She opened the door.

"That will be all, thank you." His eyes met hers.

"Have you returned from battle?" She asked.

"Another one of my brother's escapades." He replied, walking through the door.

She nodded and began to walk off.

"Wait!" He called.

She cursed under her breath and entered his courtiers, seeing him sitting on the bed. His elbows were pressed to his knees and his hands were in his hair.

"Would you draw me a bath?" He said looking to the washroom.

"I thought you didn't like people touching your things." She crossed her arms.

He smiled to himself.

"Tonight is an exception after the day I've had." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

She nodded and went into the washroom. His bath tub was extravagant, if not a bit gody with the golden spout and handles.

She turned on the water and waited for it to warm. When it did she closed the drain and allowed the tub to fill. The room began to steam from the heat. It wasn't long before the tub was full and she had to alert him. She couldn't shake off the feeling of awkwardness. She couldn't think of anything more awkward than drawing the young man a bath.

In just a few minutes he would be in this room. Clotheless. Soaking in the extravagant tub. Relaxing his muscles after a long day of battle. His messy raven hair would wet and... She shook her head, trying to bring herself back to reality.

The bath was full. She stood up and walked into his courtiers. His legs were hanging from the bed and his back was to the matress. His bare chest... Bare chest. It heaved up and down as he breathed. Her cheeks burned.

"Your Majesty..."

He propped himself up showing off more of his bare torso. His skin was smooth. His upper strength was clearly defined by the muscles on his arms, and abdomen. She tried to look anywhere but him. To her dismay, she was failing miserably.

He looked at her with a relaxed expression that gave her hope he hadn't taken note of her wondering of her eyes.

"It must be hot in there."

She narrowed her eyes.

"Your face is burning up, dear." He smirked.

Her stomach dropped and she balled up her fists. How she wished she could slap that smug expression off his face.

"Your bath is ready." She said through gritted teeth.

He stood up from the bed, his eyes never left her.

"Have I embarrassed you." He teased.

How was she the one who felt exposed in this situation. He was the one who wasn't wearing a shirt.

She glared at him in reply.

"Have I left you speechless? I can't imagine why." He stepped toward her.

The nerve of this man. She stood firm.

"No. You haven't. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave you to your bath." She stated firmly.

He leaned in close. His face inches away, catching her by surprise. She could feel his warm breath brush over her face.

"Would you though?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

He put his lips to her ear.

"Or would you rather stay and watch?"

Her eyes widened. Her entire body felt hot and droplets began forming on her back. She squeezed her fists tightly and clenched her teeth. Her blood was boiling and she began to tremble in response to the anger rising up inside of her.

"I..." She was so angry she could barely speak.

He leaned back on his heels. The smirk resting on his lips was enough to make her explode on the inside. He cocked his head as if observing the fire in her eyes rising up into an untamed beast.

"You..!" She couldn't speak.

She couldn't move.

He laughed to himself and left for the washroom.

"If you wish to join me, just knock." He said before shutting the door.

She wanted to scream. If he wasn't the Queen's son, if he wasn't an authority over her, she'd smack that smirk off his chizled face. She would... She would... She could do nothing and a certain feeling of hoplessness overtook her. And then another feeling. A question.

Join him?

How could he be so arrogant? And still there was a part of her that... No. No! She stormed out of the room slamming the door so her rejection was clear.

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