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I wrote most of this on my phone :)


Clay's mom.

I'm going to call Clay's mom and tell her one of Clay's secrets...

I call her.

"Hello, this is Nancy (It's the first thing that comes when you search 'mom names') speaking." I listen to her say.

"Hi, this is y/n, Clay's friend." I tell her.

"Oh, y/n! What do you need, sweetheart?" she asks me.

"I want to tell you about something." I say. "you know when we were kids, and the windshield on your car broke because of your neighbor?"

"Yes..." she says quietly.

"It was Clay." I say ruthlessly.

"Do you know how much that cost?" she says angrily.

"No?" I answer her.

"It cost 350 dollars, I will make him pay for a new car, thank you sweetie for telling me." she says.

"No problem." I say. "see you soon."

"Bye, Hunny!" she says. Then she hangs up on me.

Mission accomplished...


It's 11 pm now and Clay still hasn't called me, I begin to worry if he had gotten into trouble, but it was Clay, he must've gotten into trouble. I was interrupted by someone calling me, I look at my phone. It was Clay.

I take a deep breath before picking up.

"Please don't kill me" I beg him.


"You broke my fucking fridge, and now I have to buy another one." I answer.

"You could've just asked me to buy you a new one" he says.

"Then why didn't you say that earlier?" I ask him.

"I thought you were smarter" he whispers shouts.

"Do you really need that much content for your '1000 IQ moments'?" I ask him in an annoyed tone.

"I-" he goes silent for a few seconds "fine, you win, but my mom told me to buy her a new CAR" he shouts the last word.


"What if I am?" He annoys me "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Oh, you don't wanna know how many things I can tell your family" I smirk.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I'll buy you a new fridge" he begs me.

"I'll consider it" I answer. I remember that I have to confront him about the donation. "But we need to talk"

"What did I do this time?" He asks.

"About that donation today..." I mumble.

"Which one?" He asks me.

"The one about how much you, George, and Nick hang out" I answer him.

He goes silent for a hot second.

"George and I have to code a lot of plugins for future videos, so we spend a lot of time chatting and coding. We also plan videos and brainstorm ideas for videos with Nick. Then we finally go on other people's streams and we chat before the stream. And finally, we record like all the time, well and I edit like all day long." He answers me, I believe him because I know that he's a very honest person.

"That.." I think about what I should say "explained a lot"

"I hope you understand that I don't have a lot of time like this." He says.

"I understand, but what if I become a YouTuber?" I ask him with joy in my voice.

"It takes a lot, but if you're willing to commit to it, then I'll gladly teach you a thing or two about YouTube and its algorithm." He answers.

"Of course I'm willing to commit, it's not like I have anything better to do," I say. "I can always go back to be an animator, I guess." which is true because I work as an animator.

"If you want to be a YouTuber then you have to resign at some point" he says.

"Well, not right now. I haven't even tried yet." I say.

"I never said right now, I said at some point in probably the near future."

"Can you not just like give me a shout-out or something, I don't know." I ask.

"My personal opinion is that you have to earn it yourself and get people to like you for who you are, and not because I said they should subscribe to you, cause if they subscribe because of me then they'll only watch content with me in it and not you, do you understand?" he says a whole lot of things.

I think about what he just said. "I think I understand if I heard correctly..." I answer him. "but I don't know for sure."

"Okay, point is that you need people to like your content and for who you are, and not for anyone else." he explains.

"But I have no ideas, can't I just like take your manhunt and make you hunt me or I don't know" I ask him.

"The most important rule is to be original, y/n."

"Oh, okay."

"But first you need other people to find you and you do that by making content about someone popular or something that's trending, I did it with finding pewdiepie's Minecraft seed and a lot of other things about pewdiepie, but I unlisted most of it," he explains.

"Sure, I understand"

"Then let's start now," he says. "First I'll teach you how to make a channel. You go to YouTube's website and then you'll..."


"Clay it's 1 am..." I yawn. "you've been teaching me about YouTube for 2 hours..." I now had a channel called 'Honeycomb' and we were planning my first video.

"But this is so exciting!" he yells "you're going to be a YouTuber!"

"What the fuck is wrong with your sleep schedule?" I ask him.

"Videos, coding, streams, and stuff like that" he answers.

"Clay, I need to rest," I tell him. "I have work tomorrow, well technically today, but..."

"Fine, I guess I'll talk to you soon" he says.


"Bye" he hangs up.

I yawn. "I better get some rest..." I turn my phone off and I head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and I change my clothes after that. Then I head to my bedroom, I get into my bed and cover myself with the blanket, I fall asleep after a little while.


I don't know why this took so long to write, but I was kind of unmotivated but still motivated if you know what I mean. Well, I guess I'm done now so...

1094 words.

This is partly proofread.

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