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Competitive art used to be in the Olympics.

I'm starting to give random facts out every time I update, and if you find the website where I got the facts from, then no you didn't.


"Make you laugh?" I don't believe it, "you laugh at every fucking thing" Clay smiles and I realize he's about to burst, his hand slaps onto his face in a matter of seconds. "Seriously?" I inspect him.

"Stop, you're making me laugh" he somehow gets that out.

"Isn't that the point?" I shake my head. "I can just say literally anything and it'll make you laugh"

"You said something and I didn't laugh" he smirks. "stop looking at me like that" he moves a few feet away from me, "it's fucking creepy" I roll my eyes.

"Can we just get started?" I look around for Audrey, "where the fuck is Audrey?" I look behind the couch, she isn't there.

"I have no idea, but it's only us in this room now" he winks at me, I feel my whole body heat up.

"I have a boyfriend" I begin.

"Who?!" he answers confused, I feel the heat wear down a bit.


"Who the fuck is Joe?"

"Joe mama"

"WHAT?!" he wheezes, but after a second, he realizes what he's done and denies it, "no that didn't count, I fucking wheezed and that isn't laughing"

I look at him, "It's basically the same thing, you know wheezing sounds like this," I demonstrate wheezing, "and laughing sounds like this" I demonstrate laughing.

Clay sighs, "fine, how much do you need?" he finds his wallet in his right pocket, and he opens it. I look into it, there are two credit cards, a few other cards, and a lot of cash, I stare in amusement.

He looks at me like I'm crazy, "would you be so kind and stop fucking staring into my wallet?" he says in a harsh tone. He clears his throat, "sorry, how much did you need?" he says in a super sweet voice, which I know is ingenuine.

I actually only need fifty dollars, but I could drag it out a little. "Oh, I only need five hundred dollars-"

I get cut off, "WHAT?!" he looks at me in disbelief, "I'm sure you don't need that much unless you're taking a whole class there" he closes his wallet, "and I don't think you're taking a whole class"

I think of a solution and I actually find one, "I'm throwing a party" I quickly say, and regret rises in me.

He looks at me with skepticism, "You, throwing a party?" he scoffs, "You could hardly entertain your grandma's friends at the retirement home"

My face heats up once again, "they were in a bad mood" I murmur, Clay looks at me, "It's not my fault they didn't like to charge phones with an electric cake or watch tv shows from the eighties" I think for a bit, he's not gonna believe me, I am so fucking stupid.

His hand makes its way to cup my chin, I blush, he feels my chin.

"You're really hot, are you sure you don't have a fever?" he studies my face and he feels my forehead. "oh, you're really really hot" he brings his other hand to cup my other chin.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he looks me in the eyes and I look away. He smirks, "You're my little tomato"

My heart skips a beat and my gaze meets him, "fucking idiot" I murmur.

He moves his face closer to mine, I can feel his warm breath against my lips and I'm pretty sure he can feel mine too.

"I'm your idiot" I smell his breath and it smells like moldy cheese, I make a grimace.

I make vomiting noises, he looks at me confused. "What is it?" he questions my noises.

"Your breath fucking stinks" I move my face away from his, but he pulls me back.

He exhales onto my face, I react way too late and I smell his breath. I make another disgusted face, he brings his face to mine, and I pull away. Clay moves my head back to his, I hold my breath.

Clay pushes his face against mine and our foreheads bump into each other.

His lips brush against mine, "You know you're really cute when you're mad"

I give him a look full of disbelief and disappointment, but also confusion. "What?" I whisper.

Clay slaps some cash onto my face and I manage to catch it. "Bye cutie" and just like that, he's gone.

I stare out in literally nothing for another minute or two thinking about what just happened, butterflies still in my stomach.

I count the cash, but my mind is still stuck on what happened so I count it several times before I actually focus on the cash, there are a thousand dollars, so he's actually rich and didn't lie?

I smile.

"That bitch"


I know this is short, but my arm really hurts, so I can't write that fast. I also need to read it for a few days so :/

841 words.

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