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Once again, I do not know if these things about the cc's are true, so please don't blame me if I get something wrong, you can comment where I got something wrong, and I'll probably correct it if it's not crucial to the plot or it takes way too much time to correct it.

And I'm getting Grammarly to proofread all of my chapters cause I'm way too lazy.

"Hello?" Randall called me.

No one answers.

"Anyone out there?" I scratch the back of my head, a few of my colleagues leave the cafeteria, which reminds me that my lunch break is over in a few minutes, "I have to go back to work in like two minutes, so it would be nice if you could hurry up."

"Oh, sorry-" his voice is deep, very deep. "shit, I didn't mean to speak-" I hear a silent slap, "there I go again-" he mumbles, "fuck this, you already heard my voice, so I guess you know who I am now"

I giggle.

"As weird as it seems, I don't actually know who the fuck you are," I stop giggling, "I honestly do not know who you are"

"Who cares? Now give me that damn key to Clay's house" he scoffs.

"You could've at least have asked nicely" I silently say, "I don't see the need to be mean and I don't even know your address, so I can't really ship nor deliver it to you"

"I'm not giving you my address, that's for sure" he stops and I suppose he's thinking, "I guess I'll give it to you if we become friends and I trust you, so I might not block you"

"Wow, not even an apology for the meanness" I scoff.

"It wasn't even that mean, and I'm not very good with people, so that may explain why," he says, "but I guess I'm sorry if you really want an apology"

I realize I have to return to work in just about a minute. "Fuck, I have to go, bye"

"Wait-" I hang up on him.

"Fuck you, I have better things to do anyway" then I head towards the entrance to the cafeteria.


"Do you have the list of things we can do?" I'm sitting on the couch with Audrey.

"I think it's upstairs in the guest room" Audrey stands up, "I'll go upstairs and check"

I look around for Clay, "where's Clay?"

"Fuck, I think he's still upstairs in the guest room" Audrey sits back down on the couch. "And I think he's still talking to his friends"

I slight feeling of jealousy crosses me.

"For how long has this been going on?" I cross my legs, "cause it seems like it's been going on for quite a while if it's been going on ever since I left for work"

"Well, I guess he did come down for lunch, but that's about it, so I think he's been talking ever since you left" Audrey looks up at the ceiling.

"Why are you looking up at the ceiling?" I look suspiciously at her, "Is he trying to hit on you again?" I sigh.

"I-i no," she makes a grimace, she gives in "yeah, he's been kind of half-flirting in a joking way," she stops and I suppose she's thinking, "at least I hope he's joking, cause if he isn't, then it'll be kind of awkward"

"The first thing he does when I'm gone is really hitting on you?" I say angrily, "I really thought he apologized yesterday, but I guess he really didn't" I exhale.

"No no no, y/n, you don't understand, he's had a really tough year" she mumbles the last few words.

"And he doesn't even tell me, I thought I was his friend and someone he trusted" tears threaten to spill "but I guess he doesn't see me that way" I exhale a shaky breath.

"Y/n, I-"

"Forget this conversation" I cut her off, "it'll be better if we just pretend this never happened"

"No, this is something we need to talk about, you have to talk to Clay" I look at Audrey, she has a serious look on her face.

"Just forget this" I shake my head, "I don't want to talk about it, besides, I'm a great actor, so I can always just act my way out of it" I fake smile.

"See, that's exactly the problem, you never tell anyone when you're feeling down," she says seriously, "like the time you almost killed someone in anger, you're just lucky the cops didn't get called on you, or else you would be in jail right now" she clears her throat, "point is that you didn't tell anyone that you had anger issues and you bottled it up for almost half a year until you told Clay, who told me, and I told mom and dad"

I take a second to find out what I'm gonna say, "well, I still haven't forgiven Clay for telling you" I get a feeling of regret.

"Don't you get it?" she grits her teeth, "you need to step up and confront what or who your problem is and not just bottle it up"

"I'm just very" I play with my toes, "I'm just not good at that kind of stuff" I accidentally crack my toe, "oh my god, I didn't know you could crack your toes, that's kinda cool" I stare at my toes and I crack them in fascination.

She looks at me in disgust, "can you just stop that? I don't like it when people crack their toes or fingers" I roll my eyes. "but you didn't even go to therapy, you just fucking skipped it like a dumbass, mom even had to ground you and drag you to therapy and starve you and lock all of the electronics in your room into a closet, until you'd go to therapy"

"I still hate that therapist, she would just ask me to do weirdass things"

"I-is that true?" Clay walks into the room.

"How much did you hear?" my face redden in embarrassment. "I really hope you didn't hear much"

"I only heard the part where you said you said you still hadn't forgiven me, and it would be nice if you just forgive me, we talked about this years ago and you said you forgive me" he crosses his arms. "oh and also, I have this list of things you and Audrey could do, I found it under the bed, covered in dust"

I reach out for the piece of paper and I try to pull it out of Clay's grip, and I succeed. "Are you really that weak?" I chuckle, "you didn't lie when you said you don't work out and could you be so kind and leave my house?" I regret saying that. "I didn't mean that, I meant that you probably have a lot of things to do on your smp since you haven't been on for a day and you probably have a lot to catch up on too, so you probably need to leave now"

"Well, I do have some things to catch up on, but I'd much rather spend my day with you" I blush. "see who's a tomato now"

"shut up" I scan the list of things we can do with my eyes, "so Audrey, do you wanna go out and eat at that one expensive restaurant you've been longing to eat at but we haven't had enough money?"

"You didn't" she smiles a genuine smile.

"I'm a little short but with the help of someone," I glance over at Clay, "we have enough money"

"Oh, come on now, you're just using me for money" I roll my eyes. "I'm not letting you use me"

"Please, for me" I look at him with puppy eyes, "fine, but on one condition, you make me laugh"


don't blame me (omg taylor swift reference without knowing i did it, past me is such an inspiration hahhahahahhhahha yuhhhhh i love her so muchhhhhhhhh ughh) if something is spelled wrong, it's grammarly's fault.

1328 words

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