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I have been watching videos about the YouTube algorithm on YouTube for the past two hours now.

I haven't been bothered enough to check out what was happening downstairs between my sister and Clay, but now that it has been two hours, I finally had enough.

I tip-toe downstairs and hide behind the wall right beside the door frame and I peek into the living room.

They are eating dinner while chatting.

I tip-toe behind Clay who's sitting with his back towards me, I stand behind him and look at him with a death glare.

"And then we ate the whole cereal cake with grass and everything" Clay wheezes for a second. Then he looks at Audrey who's looking at him with a shut-up-and-turn-around glare.

He turns around and he looks at me.

"HOLY SHIT" he jumps off of the chair. "THAT SCARED ME Y/N"

I roll my eyes. "You two have some explaining to do." I look at both of them with a suspicious look.

"What do you mean?" Audrey looks at me with a confused face.

"Dinner." I respond.

"Well, we called you down to dinner, but you didn't say anything" Audrey explains.

"Why didn't you just come up and drag me down here?" I ask.

"I did come up, and I was just about to knock on the door when you told someone they were hot as fuck and you made kissing noises." Audrey looks at me with an, in real life 'Lenny face' "I thought you were talking with someone, perhaps a boy?" she raises her eyebrows up and down.

I realize what she's talking about.


"You need to write some words in your description that contains some kind of clout," the man in the video says.

I pause the video.

"anD yOU NEed To wrITe cloUt ANd MoRe usELeSS stuFf" I say in a mocking voice.

"Well, you're lucky you're hot as fuck, or else I would have tracked you down and murdered you." I wink at the face cam at the bottom left of the screen, I bring my lips to the monitor and I kiss him a few times, and with a few times I mean fifty-something.

I giggle.

---end of flashback---

I feel my face heating up.

"Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about." I look at my feet.

"Sure." Audrey smirks at me.

"Can we get started on what we were supposed to do, before you started HITTING ON MY SISTER?" I scream at Clay.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?" he has a serious look on his face. "YOU COULD'VE MADE ME DEAF"

"Well, you can still hear what I say, so I suppose I didn't make you fucking deaf" I stare at him.

"You could've"

"Can you guys just stop arguing and get started on that so-called project or whatever" she shakes her head in potential disappointment.

"Let's go, Clay" I grab his arm and start to drag him out of the living room.

"Don't you need to eat dinner?" he slaps my hand off of his arm.

"I'll eat after you've left" I grab his arm once again and I continue to pull him out of the living room.

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