Part 4

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I step back into the house. Instead of coming inside as well, the man I've dubbed Tarzan stays outside and closes the door. Leaving me alone in the house. I notice a lock on the door and decide to use it. I need privacy to remove my wet clothes. I look at my flight suit and feel the loathing of putting it back on. I take everything off and put on just my flight suit.

I soon understand the homemade stove in the corner of the room. As I lay my wet clothes by it to dry. It heats the room a bit but I notice it helps dry the air inside so it's not so humid. I comb through my hair with my fingers. Trying to do the best I can without a brush.

I unlock the door but leave it close as I sit back down on the bed and continue reading the journal.

...I think the little one will come soon. Kris refuses to let me do anything but sit and wait. As the time draws nearer I can tell he is getting more afraid of not having a hospital and doctors around for the birth. We have truly lost track of time here. I thought writing in this journal would help me keep track of the days and the date itself. With pregnancy my body follows its own schedule. I am so happy some of Kris' books are here with us. And to think I complained about how unnecessary they were for our travels. They help distract me. I can't wait to meet our precious little one. He or she...

...I believe a few weeks have passed since my last entry. Our little one has joined us. He is beautiful and healthy and strong! After hours of labor and filling the jungle with sounds it has never heard before my little Tumaini was in my arms. We gave him a Swahili name meaning hope! Because out here, just us, all alone Hope and Courage is all we have...

I hear the door gently open. As if he is being cautious not to disrupt me. I smile at him. He moves with grace and stealth. I am starting to feel like he is trying not to frighten me. This makes me smile.

I may not be the best at combat in my unit but I've never backed down from a fight either. I don't frighten easily. I am always on guard and rarely trust anyone or anything. So why is it as I sit here next to a strange jungle man I feel like my walls are no longer there to protect me and that in of itself doesn't scare me.

As he sits next to me he hands me some food. It is the same fruits and nuts from the night before. What I wouldn't give for a pizza right now or some southern BBQ. We eat in he is a chatty one any other time. When I'm done I grab the journal and point to the page I just read.

"Is your name Tumaini?"

I look up at him and his eyes are still on me. He smiles and nods. My heart skips in excitement.

"So you do understand what I'm saying. I was starting to think you didn't understand english. I know a little French but not well enough to be useful. I only started learning when I found out I'd be stationed out here."

I realize I'm rambling as he just stares at me. Heat fills my cheeks.

"I was just starting to call you Tarzan."

A look of confusion spreads across his face. He stands and walks over to the bookshelf. Once again he lays a book on my lap. Tarzan of the Apes is worn almost as much as the journal. I smile and looking back at him, nod.

I notice how dark it is getting. I hate how little the sun shines here. You would think a place so warm would be full of sunlight. I have completely lost track of time here. I remember the journal entry and find I understand how easily it is to lose track of the time and day here.

He stands up and once again makes his way to the bookshelf. When he returns instead of placing the book on my lap as he has done before he opens it himself. He sits down next to me and flips through the book until he finds whatever it is he is looking for. When he finds it he shows it to me.

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