4 | Question

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This afternoon he just sat there, watching the waves as usual, not anticipating for Seokjin to come.

But this time he felt less anxious when he felt a presence at his left.

"Hi, Taehyung. How are you doing?"

At first, Taehyung didn't want to reply anything, to say how he was. But then he thought about the other day and managed to speak a simple Hi. And Seokjin realized that Taehyung still wasn't comfortable talking. But he was happy with the small response.

They sat in silence for a while. And when Taehyung saw that book beside him, he picked it up to read what was written on the page.

"I get that you're not comfortable talking to me but you can write what you feel. You can say something here. So, if you feel like writing something, please do."

Seokjin was waiting for Taehyung to write something but he realized that it wouldn't be much as Taehyung didn't take long to keep the book and pen down, beside him.

"I don't think that I could"

Seokjin understood and just sat there without speaking or writing anything until it was a few minutes before seven.

He left a piece of paper before leaving.
It was folded so Taehyung didn't open it, he took it home.

He was trying to ignore it but his curiosity didn't let him. After a few seconds, he was reading what was written on it.

"I have got a question for you.
How do you instantly convert any unit of measurement into grams?"

Reading that made Taehyung curious, he tried to think of an answer, but he couldn't. He recalled how Math was his favorite subject. And now, he wanted to answer that question, so he thought about it a lot. The time that he usually spent being depressed was now replaced by him trying to find the answer.

At times, he felt that the answer may be something silly, but he didn't care about the outcome, he still wanted to find the answer. He thought about it till he fell asleep.

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