Chapter 2: Tradgedy

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"What?" I asked." Your grandmother set this up." He repeated. I shifted on my feet," What, how, why?" He sighed." She sent the cast a letter telling us that she couldn't take care us you anymore, that she wasn't going to make it, and her wish was to see you happy. She tolled me that she didn't trust your mom, your dad doesn't have time, and she wanted you to be with someone that made you happy. Andrew stepped up to the plate, he called her and tree at the courthouse now." I was completely shell shocked. I was about to cry. I felt a pair of slender arms wrap around my shoulders as I stood there completely numb. I slowly pulled away." Wow, umm, are you okay?" I nodded." I'm fine, it's not the first time my family left me." I said. Chandler looked completely shocked at my response. I just turned around. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jerked it off." Come on, let's go, Andrew's waiting." I nodded and climbed in the car. I looked up front and saw William and Gina." Hey, you must be Trista, I'm William and this is my wife, Gina, and our other son, Grayson." I just waved. I couldn't process any of this. This is probably just another dream, I'll wake up soon enough. They drive away and to the courthouse. When we get there my grandmothers car is out front. I also see my real dad's truck, my mom's car, and what I'm sure is my new dad's car. We walk inside the courthouse to see everyone arguing. The judge walks in and asks everyone to calm down." How about we settle this by letting the child tell us her story with each of you." I agree to it and begin." I'll start plain and simple, I've never met Andrew so I don't have anything against him. My mom, well I'm sorry to say it, but she can't keep a roof over her own head. I don't see my dad much and he hardly has anytime for me. That's all I've got to say and that's all I'm going to saying." I tolled everyone and walked over to Chandler." That's pretty depressing." He tolled me, I nodded." You don't know the half of it." I spoke." Why don't you talk much?" He asked." No need to, everyone ignores me when I try to." I tell him. He hugs me, I hug back. I can feel him tense," I'm not going to scream." I tell him." I'm not used to this." I hear him say. I let out a giggle." I'll most likely be visiting the set a lot, you'll have to get used to it." I pull away." First fan ever to pull away." I hear him say." Thought so." I tell him, I then hear my dad say the most offensive thing ever." SHE'S MOST LIKELY SAYING THAT BECAUSE SHE'S A FAN OF THEM!" My blood was boiling now." Chandler, if you have sensitive ears I'd suggest covering them." I whispered as I stood up." THAT IS NOT TRUE! I MIGHT BE A FAN BUT I CERTAINLY AM NOT LYING JUST TO MOVE IN WITH A CAST MEMBER! I HAVEN'T SAID A SINGLE WORD TO ANDREW SINCE I'VE GOTTEN HERE!" I screamed at my father." Y-your your eyes, th-there red..." I heard Chandler stutter. Oh crap... I forgot my eyes did that. Everyone was starring at me." My eyes change with my emotions, deal with it. Oh, and just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I would do something as stupid as lie about that. You never seem to call me, invite me on vacations with you, you took Dakota to Disney land with out me when you promised. I know you lied about how long you were there, Dakota tolled me you were gone all weekend, besides the time slot you gave me doesn't fit. You didn't call me on my fourteenth birthday, you never came to any of my parties, but you went to all of Dakota's. Now is any of that a lie? Hmmm? Did I lie about that? No, I didn't! You know it's all true! I'm sick of holding this all in! I'm sick of keeping this to myself!" I yelled. I turned around and stormed out of the room. I felt tears threatening to fall, I burst through the door to the bathroom and just let them." I wish I knew, I just wish I knew if this was real." I pinched my arm, it hurt, I'm not dreaming. Unless this is one of those dreams where you can feel everything. I punch the wall, turn around with my back against it, and slide down it. Why is my life so difficult?" Will I ever know?" I whisper-asked myself. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hold them close. I hear knocking on the door." Open the door, Trista, please." It was Chandler, what did he want?" Why should I? Nobody cares about me, why would you?" I asked." I just wanted to help..." He answered, he honestly sounded hurt. I sniffed before standing, I whipped my eyes, and opened the door. He had turned around to leave, I ran over to him and have him a hug." I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just everyone I love usually leaves me. It really hurt knowing that my dad acts like he doesn't love me, he then how's up fighting for me, and then indirectly called me a liar." I knew he had stiffened, I let go to see that there was a gun pointed at him. The man with the gun was my father." Trista, if you want him to live tell the judge that you want to live with me." I slowly walk foreword," No." My dad lodes his gun." Are you sure?" He asks, I step in front of Chandler. If this is really a dream, I'll live, if this isn't I'll most likely die." I'm positive." I tell him. He cocks his gun." One more chance." I turn around and wrap my arms around Chandler." My answer still stands." I let go of Chandler as I feel a surge of pain shoot through me. My arm feels like it's on fire. I look and see blood pouring out of my shoulder. Everything seems so real, I can only get one sentence out before everything starts to fade." It's not a dream..." I drop to the floor and everything's fades...

Chandler's POV

" No!" I yell as this beautiful and heartbroken girl that was wrapped around me was shot by her own father. Trista didn't deserve this. I pick her up and run. I end up in the girls bathroom, strange place. I lay down her down on the counter and try and clean it out with soap and water. My phone! I call 9-1-1." Hello, 9-1-1, what's your emergency?" " I'm at the courthouse, my friend, Trista Ryan, was just shot in the shoulder by her father." I heard typing." Alright, we'll get someone there as soon as possible."

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